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touching thepromPs ofPardonandfrgivenefe,&c. thatfin unto him, which he f}ill unfainedly acknowled- geth tobe inhim, continually praying, Lord, enter not in- to :pa gerent with thyfervant; alwaies confeffing, Lord, iia tiyfig 'It noflefb living can bee jnfiif'd, to wit, other- rife thenby not entring into judgement, or by non-im- putadonof his fins. And faith that layeth hold upon the promife ofinercy offered in Chrifi, caufeth a manevery day to tumble himfelfe for fin, and to feeke Pardon by earnefl prayer; every day it receiveth and feedeth upon the promifesmade in Chrift, and fo affiureth that his fins are done away as a mill. And thus a Chriflian maylive by faith for many dales, or rather all thedaies ofhis life, in Tweet peace and com- munion with God,ifhe will learne to maintain, and take paines to ufe his faith aright. It is to be lamented that a- mongfi. Chriílians, whodelire to live honeflly andkeepe a good confcience, fo few know,fomany neglea the or- dinary ufe and improvement oftheir faith ; as ifit ferved onely togive them comfort inthe remiflion offins at their firfl converfion,andthenhad finifhed all it fhould or could doe, except till they fall into fotne notable decay, if not great offence, or be plunged into deepe doubts, or be ex- ercifedwith fomc great affi6lions : whereas the daily ufe and improvement of faith for the continuance and in- creafeofaflàranceof forgiveneffe, peace,acceffeunto the throneofgrace, Joy,andcommunionwithGod, is as ne- ceflary, should be as confiant, as in the ufe of Fire and Water, of the Light,of Meatc orDrinke, or whatfoever is more ordinary for the comfort of the Body. Serves faith for entrance andbeginnings andnot forcontinuance, progrefle,and encreafings ? Is faith the breeder andbrin- ger forthof JoyandPeace,and not the Nurfe and fofler- Mother of' them, cherifhing and feeding them, till we come to a fullandperfcel "ge ioChrift ? All fruits, the neerer they come to ripe :efle,the fweeter they be: andfo is the fruit offaith fweeter in theea e then in theblade.If the fence of pardon be plcafant and dclightfome at the firfl, 22 Pfa1.i43.2.