Ball - BT770 B3 1637

224 What it u to live by Faith in particmlar Pial.139.E7, 18.&36.7. zTiett..6. fir,muft it not increafe, as (}rengthof faith and-fpirituall acquaintanceWith God increafeth ? Is it not eafier topreferve peace,then to recover out of dumpes and difref es ? Every day to reckonwith our foules, andget our debts cancelled,then to doe it now and then, whenwe have run farre behind hand, not knowing which way to turneour felves ? Fire once kindled is kept burning with leflTe paines, then beingoft quenched,it can bè kindled.The labour ofmaintaining healthis much lef e, then the toyle ofrecoveringout of ficknefle. Let us then j learnt to make ufe ofour faithevery day ; As everyday tohumble our felves before the throne ofgrace,and begge the pardon and forgiveneffe ofour finnes ; everyday to looke unto the grounds ofcomfort,and meditate thereup- on, that we may findejoy and fweetneffe therein ; every day torenew our faith in believing the pardon offilch particular offences, as we have efpied in our felves that day,and confefled before the Lord,with iighs arid groanes for mercy. Letus thinke ferioufly withour felves, how excellent a thing it is tobe in leagueof amitywith God ; howbleffed andpleafant a [late tobe freed from the feare ofdeath and Hell;how richand comfortable a thing to be Heire of Glory. Let us often [lirre up our felves to con- verfewithChrift; the better we knowhim,the mere de- light and contentment we (hall take in fcllowfhip and communion withhim. This is to live by faith, and to [lirre up the grace that Godbath given us. This is to maintains faith,that it may ferveus. Fire in the embers glowes nor, heats not the houf : Faith in the heart not ufed, doth neither increafe, nor comfort. Aman may well be faid not to have the wealth,he ufeth not for his benefit : furely he wants the benefit offaith,who exercifeth it not.Vfe limbes,and have limbes. The beautyandbenefit,yea,the very increafe and perfec`lion of all gifts,vertues,and gracesconfitfleth inufe, and ac ion. Exercifeperfec`lethunderlandingand memo- ry; flrengthens thedifpofition ofthe foulc,increafethvi- gour,