za6 What it is to liveby Faith ixparticular Cara and fadings, alreadyprepared, and now revealed to the n i Cor. Believerb the Spirit : which if' the carnal) man fcorne :.9. tun,par. and fcoffeat, it is ecaufe he cannot comprehend it. It is lib:,Qal,.; t a a more pure and conftant joy,which needs notthe fupport ofearthly aelights : his joy is within, he joyes in the fa- vour ofGod, which is unchangeable. It befcetnes not a Chrillian to bee mcrrie inone diate, dumpi(h inano- thcr,as if their joydepended upon their outward conditi- John 16,ís, on. No,no,thc favour ofGod alone is fufficient to uphold Rom, ç.3, a good mans joy. Yourjoy noman taksth fromyou.wcglory jan.cs t :a, in tribulation all; : Andgreat reafon, for if tin be Pardo- ned, every thing caufeth a progreffe offalvation.Were it not odious to fee one profefng fore liberal! Science, td live by lewdand difhoneft íhifting ? No better fight is it, to fee a Chriftian hanging his joyupon courfe and earthly pleafures,who bath more noble andgenerous, yca,Ange- ¡lealIdelights,thca which what bath Heaven better but in )17,1.36,7,a,9é degreeonely and manner of fruition ? ¡low excellent is thy loving kindnrf f'e, O God, therefore the children ofmen put their truJt under the ¡badew ofthy wing.r,They fball heabun- dautyfatisficdwith thefatnefe ofthy houfe : andthogfhalt make theta drin,keofthe river ofthy, pleafuret. For with thee i 5:e the foantaine of1fe: in thy light /Ball wefee light. It is a pleafure to him, to want otherpleafures, oftand everyday ferions in themeditation of the remillonofhia, fins,the free grace and eternal! love ofGod towards him in Jefus Chriff.. He that is every day buried to fetchout a pardon of courfe for his daily infirmities, and to makeeven recko- ningbetwixt God and his Soule,that nothing rcmaineon the(core to interrupt his peace, {hall neither be idle, nor unprofitable,peither want imployment,nor comfort.This Pïai.:y.e 9,13. courfecan open no gap to licentioufneffe, liberty in fin, or carnali fccurity : for he is ever moft (}odious not torun into arreragcs,, who is molt defirous to have his debts cancelledandblotted out. Faith is ofthe nature of fove- raignepurifying watcrs,which fo walla offthc corruption