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touching theprom f sofpardon andforgivenejrc,&c® óf theulcer,that theycoole the heatc, and flay the fpread ofthe infeftion, and by degrees heale the fame. And of Cordials,w hick focomfort and cafe theheart,as alto they expell noxious humours, and (lrengthen nature againft them. fuftifying faith takes kindly rooting in aclean heart, and beingrooted purifieth it more and more,Faith, that pleads for mercy, Both cleave to the Commande- men ts, flirre up toholincfle, over-rule the affcc ions,de- light in purity, and diffufc the venue of the word into every faculty of the foule. It may be obfceced, If faith certifie that our fins bepar- doned ; and there be fuch joy in believing, how comes it to pafle that manygood Chriftians live fo long in fare anddoubt, who wouldbe contented to take any paints to be fetled in affurance ofGods love ? The commoncaufcs ofthis flownefheof beliefe are many. Firfl, an immoderate aggravation of their (inn., and continuall thought of their unworthinefhe. Thus thecafe (landswithmanypoorer Chriftians; faine theywould be- lieve (as they acknowledge) but they are unworthy,they have beenc fìnners. Thefe muff know, it is good they fhould fee their owncunworthinefl'e, but not that they fhould behindred thereby from comming to Chriff ; it is good to dcnie themfelves, but not to doubt ofthe mercy of the Lord. Chrift came to /jerk! that which was loft, to binder up the broaken hearted, and toPave /inners. He died forhis enemies, for theunworthy : He inviteth theburdenedto come unto him, and makes foie to the poorer andworthlcffe,that he might cafe and enrich them. Ifthey were not unworthy, what need had theyof Gods mercy? or how fhould God glorifie the riches ofhis mercy in pardoning their offences ? The feelingoftheir , unworthines makes them fitto receive mercy from God Iwho dothvouchfafe it freely : fceingbcfides their finne, which makesthem unworthy, theyhave a fence ofit;and anheart broken for it. Iftheywerenot unworthy, they couldnotbelieve : Iftheir cafe hadnot beenc defperate, 2 what 227 Whence it is thatmanygood Chrifitass live fo login lean an1doabí, Ia Matth.18.1 i. Efay t;. t Pet,3.; E. Rom, S, to. Matha2,28.