al,8 Efay43.z5. & Hof. 44.3a4. Ezra to.z. EspheCs.4. Pfal.3G. s; Pfal.. Exod.14.6,7. >rf2y s 5.9. z Chroná33. tz,tg. I Tim.t.t3. 15. Aâ.z.87,38 Luk.7.47. r Iohn 1.7. Efay t.t9. What it is tolivebyFaithinpprticula whatneede was there, that Chriff shouldcome from the bofomeof his father ? Pardon is offered freelyofgrace, the more vile they be in thenifelves, the fitter to receive this undefervedkindneffe, Oh, but their fins are grievous' and notorious, fcarler,, crying, fcandalous fumes ? This deteflation of fin is greatly to becommended,if theyremember withall, that there is hope in Ìfracl coecernir this : if they will fet one eye upon themercyof God,as they set theother up- on the vileneffe oftheir iniquities. If.their fins be many andg_reat,God isrich irs mercy, abtandant ingoodnefe, path anottltitttdeoftenderrrterciees ; His Merck reacheth above the Heavens, he forgiveth iniquity,tranfgrefon, fin and rebellion. All faults are eafily pardonable to his infinite mercy, whichexceeds Mans, * as Heaven doth Earth; which can readilier forgive feventie, thenMan feven of- fences. Was not Adañm,Manaffes, Pasti, the finfull wo- man commonly calledMaryMagdalene, the C'retiant and Imeswho imbrewed their hands in the blood of Chrilt, receivedofhilt to mercy ? Dothnot he delight to for- givemuch, that he maybinde to lovemuch ? Shall not his favour fuperabound to the fence offaith, where fin bath abounded to thewoo:idingofConfcience ? Irmatters not what the wound is, fo Chrift bee the Phyfitian. The biottdofChrïft cleanfethúa froal41l frane. Nothingbutthe blondofChrift can wash away the guilt of the leaft fin;_ and his blond i s fttfiicient to purge the molt polluted Confcience. But they have felt noextraordinary meafureofsorrow for fiw, theyare rather dull and fencelefl'e ? Are they weary of fin ? have they fòrrowed to f lfe-deniall,and to renounce their interelt in whatfoever mightfeparate betwixt Chriff and them ? ` To fuch isthe word of Re- conciliationfent. But they have often flipped into the fame fins? There is adifferenceofoffences. Therebee fins of' ignorance, infirmity, forgetfulinefe,and fudden pafiion, whereunto the