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touching thepromi f sofpardon andforgivenej , &c. 229 theheart yeeldeth not advifed confent, and from which the reafonoftheir frailty can never be free in this life,in four degree or other. Nowunto thefe of his mercy is pleated to grant a pardonofcourfe, ncttWith- (landing his fervants Rep oft into them through weake- neffe, provided they humble themfelves, feekemercy,and labour themortification of their infirmities. erfbrabam twicedenied Sarah to be his wife, faying, She ù ney Si- /er. OfDavidit is recorded, that though he were aman after Gods owne heart in all things, except the matter of Vriah, yet of frailtie he offendedmany times in the fame particular. Therebe foule, enormous, notorious (juries, which wound the confcience, and flop and hinder the lively operation ofgrace ; and thefe mull be repented of, and advifedly leftand forfakcn, before we:canbelieveto thepardon and forgiveneffeof them. Neverthelefle, ifa manhave often fallen into thefeoffences, he is not to de- fpaire,but ferioufly to confeffc, and to forfake his finne, thathe may obtains mercy.For the Lord inviteth the ob tinate and rebellious to repent, and by word andoathuf- fureth themof forgiveneffe, ifthey will returne. Andif welookeupon examples,we (hall finde many fuch, who upon humiliation andcarne(l prayerhave beenereceived unte mercy. But they have fallen grievoully finde converfion? So did:.Davá,3,and Peter, who yet recovered by grace, and upon repentancewere forgiven. A foule offence, after grace received,is not unpardonable. Theblond ofChriflr, whichwafheth away the guilt of fins beforeconverfiien, is fufficientto purge the confcience from fins after con- verfion likcwife, Weare commanded to repentof;tauglt` to pray for the pardon of fins without exception. It is of free mercy that former finnes are covered, and by the fame mercyof God this tranfgreflion may be pardoned. Themercy ofGod is everlafling,his covenant unchange- able,thoughwe beunfaithfitll, yet he cannot forget him- felfe.He delighteth to fhew mercy, and rejoyceth in the foule Iohn 1;8. t John 2. 2.