What it is to live6y Faith inparticular foule that bath finned, but now lamenteth, faying, Ihave fl'nned,and it didnot profitme.The commandement ofGod, injoyningus to forgive. our brother not fcven times but feúentitstimes fcven times,if he repent,is an expreflionof his readineffe to filmmercy,. to themwho doe oft and grievoufly offend, iftheyreturneby unfained repentance, and fue for mercy. Oh, then take heed, that to other great and many fins infidelity benot added. Doubting be- gets deadnefle, whereas looking upunto the promifes of rnercy,will bothcafe and foften the heart. Butthey cannot believe ? Indeed they thinke there is no promife of mercy made to them, upon which they fbould ground their confidence. Therefore they muff know ; that God calleth them in his Word,to come unto him, as ifhe did particularlyname them, and promifeth to receive them untomercy ; and then they mull confider ofthe free graceofGod in promifing,and his fàithfulnefle in making good whatfoever he bath promifed, that nei- ther want offeeling,norconceitofunworthines dif-hear- ten them from drawingnighunto him. Theymull: think ferioufly with themfelves, Ineed mercy, and the Lord bath promifed it : I thirff after it,and the Lord will grant untome my defire according to his promife Iam utterly undone if I obtaine not helpe ; and helpe is not tobce found, but in the Lordfans, who lovingly inviteth mee tocome unto bim,that Imaybe refrefhed. Seeing there- fore I long for mercy,and the Lord makes offerofit in his dearely beloved Sonne, I will goe unto him and humble my foulebefore the throne ofhis grace, I will entreate mercy,androwle my foule upon the promif° offalvation. All my helpe is to looke offmy felfe anobjet of confufi on,and:looke upon Chriff an objec`f ofconfolation; there- fore I cleave unto him as mine only Saviour, and truff in him though he fhould kill me. Itdoth not pleafe God, that I fhould [rand alooffe and lfraine courtefie, now bee encouragethme tocomewith confidence, orgive way to doubtings, now I havehispromife, who never failed any