Ball - BT770 B3 1637

touching thepromifesofpardon and f rgiveneff ,&c. 231 any that trufted in him, whohath done more for me then ever he'promifed : therefore I will goe unto him in the mediationofJefusChrift, and importune his grace ; ifI perifh I will perifh in his bofome, todie for it nothing (hall feparate me from his mercy. A fecond caufe ofthis flowneffe miy bee ignorance of' 2. the way how this affurance is to be fought, upon what foundation it is to be laid, in what order they come un- to it. Sometimes they mit-conceive the promifes, as if theywere offered onely toBelievers, and not laid asthe foundation offaith ; and thereupon falfely conclude,that no promife is made unto them, becaufe they cannot finde that they doe believe. Sometimes they miftakethe nature offaith,raking it tobe a perfwa(on or aflurance that their (limes are pardoned and fo conclude, that they have no faith, becaufe they want afï'urance : when in the order of nature faith is precedent toaftuali remiflion. And many times Christians are herein deceived,thatthey feare to re- ceive andapply the promifes ofgrace,till they canfindein themfelves filcha meafure of fanetificati.on, as is fcarce, if at all,attaineable in this life. Thee and fuch like blockes muffbe remove 1 bygood information,acquainting them- fe;ves out of the WordofGod, what faith is, theorder in whichwe must climbe up to afiurance, how the pro- miles are to be received,andwhat is the true ufeof fanr`ti- fication. But two things are fpecially to bee learned for their direftion. Firft, that affoone as ever a man feeles fin as a bur- den, anddoth truely, earne(tly, fervently thirft to bee luh s s``' 737. eafed ofit, hebath a calling tocone unto Chrift toaske, _urn, s1.9. obtaine,and receive mercy. He that was bitten with the fierie Serpent. was appointed to looke up to the brafen Serpent,that he might recover. Oh then delay no longer, bee notheld backe with vaine objcc ions and caufelefíe fcruples. Behold, he calls thee to come, why fhoullefh Match.z1.: *. thou feare in refpcc4 of thy vilenes ? faith is obedience, 130[43.24. and obedience is moreacceptable then courtefieand corn- 24