a a x Whit it is tolivedy F/t¢th inpiartieur l Iohn 6, tg, Rev.at.i7. Ifay 55J,T. Joh.7.I7,18. C"ial.3 14 plement. The fooner thou.comme(.l,the better welcome, it isrudeneffe, andnot goád'manners, not todoe as thou art bidden todoe,yea, acrd facarneftly perfwaded, intrea- red,and charged,todoe. To doe the worke of God into believe inhim, whom he hath fealed and fent to be thy Saviour.And (halt thou not tenne times more honour and pleafe him in trailing, upon his mercies, andfealing tohis truth, then in- fearing his juaice, and dreading his power. :Secondly, bee that findes hirnfelfc plunged into the guile of mifery by fin, and de[litute of the fappe and ,fruit ofgrace is invited to come unto Chti[f, that hee may receivefrom him the grace of fandification; "as-well as - remiffion : Oh, every one that thirfeth, come yea to the waters; Hee that believeth, out of his belle fball flow rivers of water of life. The barren in grace mu(} come untoChril} tobe fupplied of his fullneflo. Byfaith wee receive thepromfedSpirit. Hee that walloweth in fu ne, is not fitted tobelieve, for jutlifying faith canne- ver take found rooting, in the heart, which is not refol- ved to fòrgoe the prac`fice, and bath catoffthc loveofall fnne : but when a man is wearie of fnne, and findes emptinefleofgrace, as he is commanded topray for mer- cy,and thegifts ofgrace,fo is bee to believe inChriff, for the obtaining of both. Wherefore{lady, (}rive, endevour tobelieve, and lay hold on the Rocke, as in danger of drowning aman will doe on the tree or poff that conies next to hand. When thou haft, in thy conceit, mot} caufe todefpaire, labouragian{f it : when thou hall no reafon inthy apprehenfion to believe,believeWith all thy pow- er; when the favour of God is loll to thy feeling, itmay beprefent to thy faith, which difcerneth what is promi- fed,though to fence it havenobeing.And for thine encou- ragement,fet before thine eyes Chrills frecdomeCoal fui- ters in the timeofhis flefh,repelling none who truely cle- ared the price ofhis blond. Therebe other caufes of this weaknes,whichhavebeen mentioned, &anfwered before. Now