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touching the pramifes ofp4rcdon And( rgivenef,&e. Now ifany poore andweake Chrifian delire to know (as he delires nothing morehow:he fhóuld flirte uphim felfe tíß believe the promife of forgivenèífe, whenhee wants the comfort of it, yea, 'when to his.owne fencehe feeles=the contrary. Firff, hemutt unfainedly humblehis foule before God in theconfeflionoffrn,with cartaeft prayer for pardon.For tie that*acknowledgetlr his fins,lhall be received into fa- vour. OLotd,Ihavc'finned, and thou art jualy difpleafed: I have call off thylaw,4nd thy wrath is kindled agaitift me. My hearttrembleth "at the apprehenfion of thy fore diifpleáture;land Iam afraidof 'thy ludgcments. All this is.ceme upóñ me'by reafönof my'foolifhneffe: my (-mart andfo'rrow'ìs bred in mineowne.bofome. I have noref in my'bónes becaufeof riiY1iifi. But, deare Father, -I look unto-thee for mercy in Jefus Chrif ; I befeech thee, takeaway the tranfgrelfion ofthyfery ant. It is thy pro- pertie to thewmercy,it is thy free promife to pardon the iniquities, tranfgreflîons, and tins of thy people that turne unto thee, and pray : for thy Names fake be favou- rable tomine iniquities, and remember my (in no more : caf}thenî behinde thy backe, doe them away as a tnif{,, and bury;them in perpetuall oblivion. I havegone affray likea lo(b heepe, but nowmydelire is to returne home unto theet With my whole heart I delire thy favòur, O firffer mee not to perifh under the burden of my fisne. Remember not my revoltings fromthy Comman- dements : but according to the multitude of thy tender compafiions remember me 'for thy goodneffe fake, O Lord. Truth it is,'I amnot worthy tabe called thyTonne, or to be partaker of the leaf crumme of mercy : But thouart a not Ioving and compaffionate Father, who dealeft not according to the iniquiti s of thy children that'trefpafe again(t thee, nor rewardef them according to their defèrts; who retaineft not thine anger for ever, becatife mercy pleafeth thee. Ifthouwilt bemercifull to my (inne, then fitall thy glory appease, myheart (hall b 233 Vireïtions to tke veake to '! flirreup them- ¡elves to belieue when they feele nocomfort. I. *Ier.3.i3, Ffa1.3:s. 5. Pfa1.3&,3, r Sam,:4. i o, Exod 34F,7. i ïteg-8,33,?4 Il.q3.xs. & 442,z. 1E1,3 3.,7. 1.`i:11 NUM. 4.19. Plrl. loi. to.