234 Who it is to liveby Faith inparticular Pfal.t3o,4. enflamed with thy love,I (hall walke in thy feare, and my tongue lhall fing of thygoodneffe. Secondly, He muff rowfe and i irre up himfelfe to be- lieve,with reafons,drawne from theprowifes, arid cove- nant ofGod marle in Iefus Chrift,confiderations taken out of the Word,and experienceof his dealing with other his Pfal.4 fervants in former times. Why art thou calf dorone, O my f'oule,why art thon difgnteted within me ?Trull in God,and cal} tbyburthen upon him, for he will cafe thee.Thou haft matt]., I ,s. ` his promife confirmed by oath and covenant, that he will Efiy sS. i,z. cart thyfins into the bottome of the Sea, purge away thy ', 1 16 s; tranfgrefons, forgive thine iniquitiescover all thine in- , Plat, s 5 2. firmictes,and never remember them anymore. Behold,he Poly perfwadeth, intreateth, befeecheth commandeth thee to 3 Cor. r: t 9 zo believe : why art thou afraid ? It is the will ofGod, that r Joli.3. z 3. thou fhouldeft ref} on his mercy : he cannot be offended for that which himfelfe commandeth, nor denie that Rom, 5.2o. which hee hath promifed. Iffinne abound, mercy lbadf aboundmuch more. His burning wrath is pacified in Je- Ephef. ç'=& fus Chrif}, whobathgiven himfelfe an offering and afa_ crifice to Clodfor afweete finelling faveur,that grace might glorifie herfelfe in the pardoning of thy offe,;ces. Hall thou nothing to bring before him but fin and impiety that he abhorreth ? He looker] upon thee in his deare Sonne Jefas Chril}.whom be hath let forth to bee apropátiation throughfaith in his bloud,and loveth freely,. Doeft thou re- quire teflimonics ofhis undeferved kindneffe ? Godfo lo- ved the world,that hegavehis only begotten Sonne,that who- foeuerbelieveth in him,fJould not pert:Abut haveeverlafling fifay life. He bath entred into a free and everlaf}ing covenant with i thee, r 6,6o. , and waited long for thyconverfion when thou wenteft affray : and will he not much more have mercy Ads 9,! t. upon thee now thou prayefl ? Why art thou difmaycd at the fight ofthygreat unworthincffe ? Mifery is the objeel ofrncrcy : the greater thydiftrcffe, the moreglorious will be the graceofGod in thydeliverance.The bafer thou art in thine own fight,the fitter to believe : for faith excludes all ÍC Rom.3. a ç. Hof r4.3. Iohn 3.r6.