Ball - BT770 B3 1637

touching thepromifis of"pardon andfar, iveneff,&c. all conceit of worth,and recciveth pardonas a meeregift ofgrace. Sinful, men, whofecompaflions are not as the dropofabucket to thehuge Ocean,if comparedwith the infinite Sea of mercy which is in our God, mud forgive their Brethren till feventie timesfeven times, ifthey fin againft them, and repent: Our God, who requires fo muchofus, whohavenothing but what he gtveth,will he not deale tenderly with the poore foule, which bath fin- ned and repenteth ? God bath done more for us then for fharne we could delire, before weasked any thingat his hand ; yea, whet' we fought to excufeour difobedience, and charge the fault uponhis Highneffe:what will henot do, whenwe accufe our felves, and pray for mercy ? My foule,nothing canhurt thee,but unbeliefe.Thou art woun- ded by fin : Believe in Chrift, and by his bloud thou art healed.God is angry : Believe, and thou art reconciled : All variance ceafeth, when thou art knit unto Chrift. Wherefore fhake off di[truft, hearken no longer to the affaults of Saban : but rowle thy lelfe upon theLord,and flick fall untohis mercy.If thouwant the fenceofhis love, thouhaft his promife that bee will bee good unto thee : cleaveunto it above all thou canft feele, fee, or compre- hend. OmyGod, I will milt in thee, though thou fhoul- deft kill me : Iwill believe thy favour,whcn thou frow- neft upon me : and expeé comfort, when I lie groaning under the heavie weight of thy difpleafure. Thoucaufèft man fora time to pofleflè the fins, which thou haft pardo- ned : and I.will believe the pardonofmy fins, when thou feemeft to fet them inorder before my face. Thirdly, Be mull be infant with the Lord togivehim both ftrength offaith; andthe fight of his beliefe,that lice may knowhe dothbelieve unfainedly. Giveme,Gratious Father,to bclieve,as thouhaft commanded meto relitup- on thee. Thouftretcheft forth thyhand in love, and offe- reft rich treafures ofgoodneffe, to them that lay hold up- on them;create in methe handof faith,that I may effectu- ally receive what in mercy thoureacheft forth.The know- ledge. 235. Luke 17.; 4,