Ball - BT770 B3 1637

z36 Why God de- ferreth togrant thecomfort of forgivene./fe. 5. What itis to liveby Faith inparticular ledge of faith is ofthee, as is the gift it felfe : giveme the Spiritofrevelation, that I maydifcerne truly .what thou hall given me,that my lips may ling of thy praife all the day long. Fourthly,HemuR comfort his heart in the certainty of GodsWord,though for the prefent he feele no comfort. Returnunto thy reft,Omy tòule,for the Lordwilldeale bountifully with thee. His Word is gone forth in truth, waite a little while, and thou(halt behold the light of his countenance. TheLord deferral) togrant the comfortof forgivenef e, that he might confirme faith, train theeup inobedience, trie thy patience,prefervehis graces,and do thee good in the latter end. Thou art already blefFed, be- caufe the grant ofpardon is fealed,and received: the fence ofdeliverancepertained) to the execution, which for a little feafón is deferred, that it may bee perfeaed with greater glory to God,and comfort to thy felfe. Bléfled be theLord,who bath turned awayhis eyes from my tranf- greflions, but bath not turned away his mercy fromme. Rejoyce in the Lord, Omy foule, againe, Ifay,rejoyce for he bathcovered thine iniquities, and purged away thy fin,rhat thou (halt not die.Oh,thebleffedneffe ofthat man, whofe iniquitiesare forgiven, towhom the Lord irnpea- tethno fin. Fiftly, Thus faith isdaily to bepreferved and quicke- ned; unto which it is not unprofitable to adde force thoughts concerning the bleífedneffeofthe Man, whole debts arecancelled out of Gods Booker the grace and love ofGod,whovonchfafeth to Phew compaflionhere- in ; the price that was payed to divine Juftice, that grace might juRly conferre this blefïïng upon them that be- lieve. Thefe things may ferve to quicken the heart in the confidcrationof this mercy. CHAP.