theprosrii f s óf Sanaification,&c. CHAP. III. what it is to liveby faith teaching the pro fifes of SaaE i fication,. andhow to f arre tip osir [elves thereunto. He next fpirituall promifesof things abfolutely ne- cefiäry tofalvation are concerning San °ification, or the killing of finne and quickening us to newneffe of life, by the continued infufion ofholinefíe, and renoba- tion ofour hearts according to Gods Image, and to the enabling as towalk in new obedience according to cdv- nant. And this isfignifiedby the generali tearmtsoffüb= cluing, falling, wafhing, cleating, and purging from fin and iniquity. Who is a God like onto thee, that pardoneth ìniq itie, andpa ff'etb by the tranfgre on of the remnant of his heritage ? bee retaineth not bis anger for . ever, becaufebeedelighteth in mercy. Hee will turne a- gaine, he willhave comp lfien open- tia ;, he willfakelue our iniquities, andthou wilt call all theirfinnes into the depths oftbe Sea. Flee,fball fave his people frotes their fame; whichas it istrue in the matter of our Juftification for the forgivenefle of ourfinne ; foalto in the pointofSan- Ltification, for deliveringus fromthe power of finne. And fo are the like generall fpeechss to be underftood, that Chrifl is the Lambe of Gel, which takfth away thefns ofthe world; that helms manfefted'to takeaway owr ßtirnes, that the blondofChrifi cleanleth us from all' pole ; that he loved and'wafled its proms our linnet- in his outré' blond: And this is that,which the Lord, of his freemercy, pro- mifed to effea for his Church and people, end it (hall come topate, that he that isleft inZion, andhe that remai- neth in Iernfalem,fball be called holy, even every one that is writtenamong the living in Ierufalem. When the Lord441 have walbed away the filth of the daughters ofZion, and (hall 237 Of the promifes of sanctificati- on. 14ic.7.i 8, i g. Mattia,1,2 z . Iohn a. 29, 1 Ioh.z.a. z Iohn 1.7. Apoc. Efay 43.4