23 8 f Whatit it to live by Faith touching 'hell have purgedthe blondofIerufalem front themidff ther- of, by the Spirit of lodgement, and by the f iris of bur- ning. Acbriflian Now Peeingwehave fuchpromifes from God, it fol- aeozre4 robe- lowethnecelfarily, that a Chriftian is allowed tobelieve, teevetbefepro that God,ofhis free gracein ChrilI wilt purge him from msfet the filthy remainders of fin, and renew him moreani more after his owne Image, in rightcoufneffc ar,d true holinefíe. In the covenant of grace which God made with his Bz:k. iI, tg. people,he promifeth to tall away their heartsof'Pone, and Jcr.31. 33. & togive them hearts of flefb toput his law in their inward 32.40. parts, andwrite it in their hearts ; to put hisfeare in their Ez.k.36.26,2,7 hearts,rhat they'hall not departfromhim : andtogive them a new heart, and toput his Spirit within them. But whit God promifeth, faithreceiveth. It is noprefumption but true obedience to afliare our fclves fromGod,ofwhatfoe- ver he bath pailhis promife,and entred intobondand co- venant freely togive. Theburdened arc invited tocome unto Chrift forcafe, and the thirftie for refrefhing. Is any man dried, withe- red, and burnt up for lacke of the Pap and moiflure of grace, thefountain is Pet open unto him, he may come and drink to the fatisfyingof' his foule. If any man thirff, lethim come unto me,and drinks... FHee that believethon me, as the Scripture faith, out of his belly (hall flow rivers ofliving water. Chrifl is the fountains of grace and the well oflife, everflowing andever full, ofwhoffulinefe every Believer doth receive grace for grace; who fîlletb all inaü ; who is all in all, in whom wee are conpleate, filled withall heavenly graces, which ferve to remove e- vili, orfetus in [tare of blefledncfl'e. There is no grace but from Chrift : no communion with Chrift, but by faith. From Chrifi wereceive tobelieve ; and from him believing, wedaily fucke thelifeofgrace. Chrift is made z Cor.1.30. unto ses ofGod, wifedonte and Sanîi4fication, as well as Righteoufitefe and Redemption : and as it is our dutie to be-' Revel.a2.17. 1011.7.37. Verfc 38. Iohn i.16. Coli Bphef. i.s3. Co1.3.1o,I- Col.z.so. D