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thepromifs of San !cation,&c. 239 believe inChrifl for pardon offin, fo to embraceburn by faith for fanFtification, and tobe filled with his gifts of grace in our meafure. , Chriflby hisblond bath purchafed For his people all 3 fpirituall bleftin s inheavenly things,evenall things that Apoc.i.1. é rtaine toglory in theworld tocome, and to live godly Ephec,t. ;. P g Y 2 pcc.c,3. in this prefent world. But what Chriflbath purchafed, that we may afi'uredly believeGod will beflow:He will not with-hold any thing, that he bathgratioufly given to our Saviour onour behalfe. We are taught to askeofGod in Jefus Chritl, increafe 4s and flrengthofgrace, that we may be inabled towalke beforehim innewobedience. We ceafe not to prayforyou. Coi, i:9 10 and tedef 're, thatyeemight befilled with the ,knowledge of r hiewiú, in all'wifedemr and jirituallunderflanding : That leemight walkeworthy ofthe Lordunto allpleafing, being fruitful! inevery good worke,andincrea ngin the knowledge . of god. 11ná the very god of peace fanílifie you whoy. t Thsi 5=3 But what weeare taught and commanded tobegge in prayer, we ate allowed to believe, that wee Ihall obtain¢ it of free grace. Thefaithfull have reliedupon God forgrace and abi- Fhil,5.. lity to walkeinhis wayes, andto finith thework where- z,Tim.¢, 8. unto theywere ordained. Buta l the faithful!, as faith- phil.4 r ;® full,be partners inthe famepromifes and priviledges, and liveby the -Wee arecommanded to call ofthe old man, which is 6. corrupt, with the of tliont: and lulls, and to put on the Eplief'.}. 2x, New man, which after God is created in righteoufnefe 22,t3,24. andtrue bolinef fë : But in the covenant of Grace, God giveth what herequireth : Mans duty is his freegift of _grace. It hnecefary It is neceffary a Chrillian fhouldbelieve,that God will to believe Goa farftifiehis nature,and finable him tothofc duties ofholi- our narure,a:rd neffe and'righteoufhcffe that he.rcquires. enable to heed For Juftification and Sanetificatron bee individuals : ncfe. whom God doth acquit from the guilt of fin, and ac- I. ceps