240 iCor. i 30. What it is to live by Faith touching cept as righteous unto life through Jefus Chrifl, them he doth fandzfie by his Spirit, to walke before him in new- neffeof life. Chrill himfelfe cannot be divided, nor the participation of his benefits If by communion in his death, webe delivered from thecur.fe and maledictionof .the Law ; by the power of his lWùrreaion, vn,e arc rai- fed up toliveunto.Gad. ffChriPcans be not perfwaded that God will morti- fie their corrupt affe Lions, and build them forward in holineffe, they (hall very much flogger, coldly letupon the praeliceofChritliäniry, be cffand on, uuflayed, often faintingat thedifficulty of.the ; vorke, .di(nay.ed at their manifold flips, ffrong corruptions, and little prevatlings againft them: Ourowne flrength.is tooweake.for thewarkeofho- lineffe y.as todefeat the policies glSathan,to repr..effe and anquith the lulls of our rebbell.ious.hearts & allurements oftheworld: much more tochange &cleanfe our hearts, ;Which, are.bynatureand cuflome in fin fo deeply pollu- ted. Ifwe have not faith tobelieve that God will aide, atilt}, and bleflè us in our end:avours, yea, and doe the whole worke forus ; what courage can wehave to goe about it ? What fucceffearewe like to.linde in it ? What fbänrefull foylesand re.pulfes (hall we fulaine ? But fetledneffe in this, that .God will perfeel his work begun, caufeth mentogoe about the práelice of rnorti.Ci- cation with.much .rcadi.;effe,cnearefiullnefe, eafe,fayed- n.effe,and háppiefpeed. He will fight manfully agait:;fl his lulls, and continue in the combate agai:,fl them, who is .alluredofvitory from God in the end. It is a great - laeartning to refill ev:ill, or to4oe any goode.uty, when we believe Godwill be withus, intheone and inalo- 4her togive: usi elpe againfl .çur.ene ies, .and to inable ,its unto ti7ework: and that work nauf.needs profper that God will forward andfucceed well,that,he will bring to vrfotion. The promues ófGod .concerning fparitçtatl bleff*gs are