NINVISSAiltgiTZAMbr theprûnifs.ofSon fioition,&c. _ are fo linked together,thatwhofoeverbelieved] not(;very one aright, he cannot believe any one fledfaflly as he ought. He thall many times be in doubt of the remiflion ofhis hunes, andin feare offalling away, whobath not learned to reft upon God fur the grace of fanc}if1- cation, no leffe then for the pardon of his offences : fur the certainty of both tilde is like, if it be well con- fidered. as ofFaith concerning thefe promifes, be thcfe and fuch like. Firlt. Ir acquaints a man with hisemptineile ofgrace, the Iirengrn ofhis inbred corruptions, hove deepe they haveeaten, how fall they{liche, how unable he is to cru- cifie his inordinate affeftions, or ro repaire the decayed ImageofGod inhim, and thathe is in wof tall caf,unlefre tEe Lord put to his helping hand. Faith in this acBoth not properly worke upon the promife, but prepares the heart thereunto. And fare it is aworthy letton : for the frious thought of this matter is exceeding forcibl to abate and humble him in his owne eyes, and fo wholy todrive him out ofhi rrifLIfe. For he perceiveth, he is as firongly bound by the tyrannie ofíin to perpetuall lia- venie, as by the guilt of fin to the danger of condemna tion. Could he get pardon for finne, what would this profit, fo longashe lieth 11f1 undo- thepower anddomi- nionof fin, from whichhe bath no ability to deliver his fouie. Ifaman labour offoinepainefull, loarhfomc,incu- r>ble difeafe, though in many things he be advanced, ibis will pull downe conceits f grearneffe : and when a Chriflian comes to fee, howmany dangerous, n Tfome fpirituall difeafes he labouredunder he is nor lightly of fected with it : no, he ahhorreth himfc':fe, aed crieth our, O referable mire! thet I,ar. , ,vhnAO deliver *tee {rem this bad' ofdewth, how [hall I be cured ofthefe ma- (ladies. Herebyalto he i.' d -awn in a' hispurpof:s & refglutions todenie himfelfe,and to relie up=1u the power or the Lord. R onely sça Theaarorfaitl, ab011t t he cromi-, fer of[and tfte4 ti071,; %0±11.7.?¢.