242 Whet it is'to livebyFaith teaching whoonly remainesviftorious. He purpofcth,but through the might of God which caúfeth earneft and hearty prayer, to be ftrengthened unto, and eftablifhed in that Pfal. s rg.S. which is good. :I will keepe thy flatutes : Oforfake me not utterly. I havefleicke unto thy Tef#imonies OLord, Pfal. r 19.3 1, put me not to Jbame. Iwill runne the way of thy CoM- 3za33 mandements,"` when thou Jhalt enlarge my heart. Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy fatutes, and I /hall keepe it &Ante the end. Give mee underfanding and I (hall keepe thy Law,yea, IBrill olferve it withmy whole heart. c.Makè me togoe in the path of thy Commandements, for therein Verte 3 5. doe"Idelight. Incline my heart to thy teftimonies, andnot PC11, 17.5. tocovetoufnefe. Hold up mygoings to thypath:, that my footffepsflip not. Purpofes thus grounded bring forth holy performances': but when they are taken upwithoutcon- fideration of our frailtie, and we relic upon Chrií for his grace and atliflánce,' they quickly vanifhandcome to. nothing. In the time of ficknefle, danger, difgrace, we make fairepromifes to amend what is amiflè,and reforme things out of order: but when the rod is removed,fhortly all is cleane forgotten.What may bethe reafon?We flaiid uponour owne feet, prefume to goe afore, of our felves, by our owne flren th, and then no marvell ifwefall and catch many aknocke. 2. Secondly, It thewes where the flrcngthis tobe had which we want; and flirt-es up to a confcionable, diligent and cont}ant ufe of the meanes of grace, that God bath ordained; but lookes up to himfor a bicing,and refleth Can, 5.6,7,8. not in themeanes. Faith is ever hungry, fenfible ofwant andemptineffe, and therefore attends upon the Lord in the ufeofall fuck meanes, whereby he is pleafed to con- veighChriftunto us for our fpirituall filling. The labo- rious;Bee is earlyabroad to gather,when thereis an bony- ,' fail : and faith is earlyawake to waite upon the Lord in his ordinances, when he fhowres his bleflings upon his people. But it knowethto di(inguifh betwixt theordi- nances, in and by which grace is obtained, and theauthor and Verte 3 4.