theprorni jsofSoglifuation,&c. 243 andGiver ofit. And thisurgeth theBeliever,earne(tly to beg the bleffingof God uponhis owneordinances, with-. out which they cannot availe us. Thirdly, It inciteth to an holy improvement of what graces hebath received already, as the ready way to have them increafed, God beftoweth his giftsofgrace in molt plentifull meafure,upon them that aremolt careful! toput them forth to advantage. To him that bath, that is, that ufeth well what he bath received, (hall beegiven, and bee JnII have in abwndance. Grace is given freely, not defer- ved byworkes : but by the appointment ofGod, he that would increafe therein , rnu' :I religioufly imploy whathe poffeflcth. Men increafe their fublance by labour and paines, their learning bydiligence : and he that belt im- provethgraces received, fhall molt abound therein. Fourthly,It fighteth couragioufly againft lin, and crieth initantly to the Lord forhelpe. Faithwill not yeeld rocor- ruption,be thecombate never fo hote and fierie,becaufe it apprehends vit`fory neither will it give the Lord reff, becaufe it is fenfible ofwant, and wearie offin, Create inmeea eleaneheart, O God, andrenew a right Spirit with- in me. Fiftly, It fubmitteth ' willingly to what courfe the Lord is pleafed to take for the crucifying of fìnne, and healing of our nature. Looke as the patient yeeldeth himfelfe unto the Phyfician to be dieted, purged, orlan- ced,for the curingofhis maladies,andrecovery ofhealth: fo doth the foule refigne it felfe by faith into the hands of God the fpirituall Phyficianof the fouie, who onely is a- ble to healeall difeafes, to be dieted, purged, exercifed, as feemeth belt unto his heavenly wifdome, onely it delires that fpirituall maladies may be removed, and health reco- vered. Sixtly, Faith is the band or anewwhereby weare tied unto Chrift the fountaine ofgrace, and thepipewhereby grace is conveyed from him into the foule. Looke what a full treafury of all forts of graces Chrift hath bred up R2 in 3. Luke. t ç. z6. Nfatth.t 3.1z. AEts. s 5.9.