244 I What it is toliveby Faithconcerning inhim,faith draw cthandderiveth them out ofhis fulnefl'c toha,i.16. ' to the nie ofeach feverall Chriflian, evengracefor grace, Joh. s 5. i,f,6. It fctcheth fap from the root Chrifl, which nraketh eve- ; ry tree bring forth fruit in its kind, every Chriflian inhis owne calling. As water brought by pipes from the foun- taine to the coeke, doth come faller or flower, as the pipes bewider or narrower, open or flopped : fo grace doth flow from Chrifr into our hearts more orlef e,as our faith is weaker or fironger in degree and meafure. Faith openeth (as it were) the paffages ofgrace, that it may di(lill more plentifully upon us. And thus by fetching fu- pernaturall efficacie from the death and lifeof Chrifl, it changeth the heart,creates and infufèrh new principles of anion, begetteth a plyable willingneffe unto every thing that is good, and conveigheth both will and ability there- ; unto : as the medicine curi g the vitious flomacke, and refloring it tohealth, makes it long for wholfome meate, as before for cozies and : pas. By the precious promifes which we Fave from God ( when they are ours by faith ) s. Pet!, 4. we are madepartakers of the divine nature, or the graces of the Holy Ghoft. The true caul& Theprepofl erous care and travell of.many vvehaffened, mly rneo labour is to be pitied, who (ludic the pranife of his or that in ta%neto prat- vertue, neglec`fhng this cardìnalland radicali vertue ; as if etire parrs. men fhould water all the branches cfa Tree, andnot the estar venue. root. Faine would they abound and !Dine in patience, an<ekneflè,zeale, yet eftablifh and root not themfelves in faith, that fhould maintains all the refl. Jfuvater come not to the cache, we ufe to open or amend the pipes or leades that conveigh it from the fpring : Chrifl is the wel-fpring ofgrace; ifwe would have our wants fup- plied, wenull labour fledfaftiy tobelieve. All defèFls in fannifïcation mull: admonifh us to bake to our faith. Thirfl drives m: n to the fprings ofwafer; cold forceth them to the are : weaknes or want ofgrace fhould move psay. $ 5.1. us tocome unto Chrifl . by a lively faith, oh, every one that tbirteth conse yet to the waters. To give way to doubting I I