thepronaifis ofSanaiflcation,8tc. 245 doubting becaufe thegraces of Gods Spirit be weake and feeble inus, is as if a man tlaould refufe to Bate, becaufe he is faint for wantoffuflenance. âeventhly,True faith ftirreth up to thankfulneffe for the beginningof Sanctification. I thank!. God through 'elite Cbrig our Lord.So then with theminds "myfelfeJerve the Lair OfGod. The leafl meafure offanCtifÿing grace is in it felfe an unfpeakeable benefit, confidering the poyfon of ourcorrupt nature; andCO a pledge offuture favours to be received, till the worke bee perfeëted. God in great wifdome powreth the graces ofhis Spirit upon us by de- grees,and doth not perfedtly fandtifie us at once, leaflwe fhould forget what great things he doth for us in forgi. ving our daily trefpaffes, and curing the grievous and loatnfome difeafes ofour polluted foules : but the begin- ningof fanefification is an earned of further grace tobec vouchfafed, till the works be finned to the praifeof his grace, whichBoth appeare the more, in that the gifts of grace are communicated by degrees. The way or meanes whereby a Chriflian may flirre up his faith to believe that God will fantlifie him, whenbee fee lanothingbut thraldome and fin prevailing,and feeleth nothing but deadneffe ofheart;is this. Firfl}, he mull bewailehis fpirituall nakedneffe, thral- domeand vaffalage under finne ; acknowledging his ina- bility to freeand deliver himfelte. Into what mifery and bondage have I brought my felfe. Thou Lord madeft me hóly,pure,and upright : But by finne I fold my felfeunto the fervice offinne, fromwhichto this day I cannot get deliverance : Every faculty of foule is deeply infected with that,contagious leprofie ; the Mind is blinde,vaine, foolifh ; the will perverfeand rebellious : all the affetti- ons out of order : there is nothing whole or found with- ; in me.Night andday I am peftered with fiafull motions. The delires ofmy finfùll heart bee fo (lrong and prevai- 1 ling, that I am carried head-long to that which is will, The body is wearie after labour, and requires tell, but R 3 fin 7. Rom.. q. â Cor.â.9. I Them 5.24. Rom s â.zg. Phil. â.6. The meanes to ftirreup to be- lieve that God mill 'anilifie, when mefee nothing but thraldome. I.