Ball - BT770 B3 1637

246 What it is to liveby Faith touching Rom:y.zc.' a. fin is ever flirting, never quiet, no not when occafions I be wanting. And that it might appeare out of meafure finfull, it takes occafion by the commandement, it refì- fleth the good motions ofthe Spirit, it difinableth to eve- rygood worke, it diffufeth its venome into every ad}ion, and leadeth captive to the committing of finne again(} knowledge and confcience. The curfed earth is not foapt to be over-growne with weedes, bryars, thornes and thiflles, as the foule with lulls, pallions, dillempers, worldly cares, and fin full delights. The law ofthe flclh rebelleth againfl the law of the minde, and carrieth with violence to the workes of darkeneffe. The Gally -flaves condition is veryhard and miferable : but the fpirituall bond-flave is in farre worke eflate. No drudgery fo bale as the ferviceof fin, no Tyrant fo crueli as fin, which allowes no. refpite, or time of refrefhing man that lam who 4 mifein of fn, this hodie of death. deliver me fxom this dominion felfc by tranfgrefiiion, but have no power to clenfemy heart : OLord, I have defaced thine Image, but cannot repaire it : I haveyeelded the powers of my foule to the obedience offin,a,nd now I would call off that fubje&ion and breake thofe fnares, I am altogether unfufficient for it, When Iwoesld doe well, evil}is ?relent with mee : but. I finde no ineanes to perfect what I defire. I cannot defire good, mywill is fo inbondage : I am notable to craw e about the doing of that which is good, fuch is my fee_ bleneffc ; but Iwant no ílrength to that which is evil}, I am apt and ready togoe affray. I am invironed and befet with finon every fide ; oh, when ¡hall I befet at liberty, that I might doe the workof God,and run the raceofhis Commandements. Secondly He muff looke tothegrace,truth,and power ofGod,whohath promifed to fanctifie ; to the fúllneffe and fufhciencie that is in Chrifl, the fountaine of grace. He who bath fp )ken this to me,Hold me, and I will let thee free, I will.circumcife thy heart, wafh'it, purge ir, hea:e.