thepromifis ofSiv c ification, &c. beate it ofall fickneffes and infirmities : he that bath fpo- ken ir,is God Almighty, who giveth Being to all vifible creatures, and that inviable world of Spirits : who calleth the things thatare not,as ifthey were : who ifthere were no pri ,t ofthefe things in me,can worke and create them glorihufly, as at firft he drew this excellent frame of the world out of that confuted lumpe, or lathe which bee made ofnothing. And as he is great in power, fo is he rich inmercy, aboundant ingoodnefle and truth ; as ready and faithful! to keepe, as he was free to make the pro- mile. His grace is unfearchable, his Wordpur& then fil- ver feventirnes refined, In my felfe 1 am full of finne, barren and def ïtute of grace : but Chritl is an over- flowingfoil :táine,whobath plentifully filled all that be- ' lieve. A !the faithfùll have drawne ofhis fullnefic, and yet his Rote is no whit diminifhed. Omy foule,trufl thou in the Lord,and thou fhalr be purged from thy fil thingffe, replenifhedwith his grace. Loe, he calleth the thirflie, tvho be deflitate of all fapand fruit ofgrace,to come unto him, that they may be refrefhed. The Saints, whohave beene moll enrichedwithvariety of graces, were by na- ture as poore and deaitute as thou art. What they had, they received by faith:Believe as they did,and fpced with them. Why erica thouout diflruflfùlly by reafon of thy barrennefl'e?Doth the lb-earning fountaine deniewater to the thiray traveller ? No more doth Chrift to the emptie parched fbule, that comes untohim. Thou hall no grace ofthy felfe : cleave untohim and thou (halt want none that may be for thy good.He filleth the empty, and fatisfi- eth the poore, that he might be acknowledged the well- fpringofall grace and goodneffe. Thirdly,Hemuff pray inflantiy unto the Lord for fan- ifying grace. Faith obtaineth, as a poore petitioner, !what the Lord promifeth in fpeciall favour: nor can itbe- lieve longer, then it prayeth virtually or a"cually. O É Lord, thou haft promifd to poivre water upon the thirj{y, , awl rivers upon the dryground : I pray thee, waf i mee R 4 throughly 247 3 Efay 44.3& 35.7. Igel s. a$3.