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contained inthisfecondPart. 3. It wifely us to confider , that the cattle of all mi- fery and forrow is (inne, pag.3 z r 4. Faith meekeneth the heart willingly to fubmit itfelfe to the good pleafure of God, and patiently toborehis corredtion, p.3zr=3za Faith comforteth the confcience, and curbeth unbridled pafli. ons, P.32,z The confiderations whereby faith perfwadcth unto meek. mile, be many,ftrong,and irre- fiflible. As, r. The defersof finne,which is farce greater thanany thing we fuflèr, 13.32 a. Thehand that layeth the rod upon our backe, viz. God our molt wife, juft, gracious and loving Father, p.32.2., 3 z3 3. That this cup, how bit- ter and wringingfoever, is a me- dicine to cure, not a poyfon to de- ftroy, miniftred in great love and tender compaffion to drive out corruption confirme faith , pteferve from falling, ftrengehen grace, weane from the world,and brìngnearer unto God,p.313,32'4, 325 4. After ferioushumiliation faith bringeth tidings , that God will Tooke downe troni Meaven in mercy, and fend helpe in fitteft reafon, p325,3z6 5. Faith dothre-minde usof our conformity with Chrift in af- : fliftions , and of his partner -(hip with us therein, p. 3z6 6. Faith fetteth before us the infinite recompence of re- ward, p.3z6,317 The fift a& of faith, It teacheth wifdome to judge aright ofall aílliftions, p.3 27 6. True and unfained con- fidence will not keepe filence in the eares of the Lord,nor ceafe to importune his aid , &c.pag. 32,8 7. It raifeth the heart,being confcious of its weakeneflè,to cell upon the Lord for ftrengch, who makes us able to doe all things through Isis flrengthening of us, p. 3 29,3303 31 8. By faith the godlyheart is drawne to ufe all meanes of helpe that God in his providence cloth affoord, but refteth quietly upan Gods promifes , and allu- rance of his prefence above all likelihoods and appearances , p. 33t This manner of dependance on the promifes which faith work- eth, is abfolutewithout limita- tionof time, mealúre ofAli- lion, or manner of delive- rance, p.331,332. What faith titrneth it (elfe to me- ditate upon for fupport in this cafe, p.332,333 9. Faith belceveth one con- trary in another, and out of the deepeft di(trefles gathereth allu- rance offvveeteft deliverances, p. 333,334,335 re,. It rejoyceth in tribula- tions, and triumpheth before the viétory, 13.3 3 5 Wee mutt live byfaith in the hea vieft aflliftions, and oflongeft continuance, p.33 5, 3 36. The as Offaith in thiscafe. t. -It teacheth , that many and firong afìliftions,of long con- tinuance, areno more than necef- Cary, p 336,3`37' Z. Faith in the greate$ ex- tremities.'