ConaYñiwdéméwtss ' 377 vanquifbed. Sathan and the worldare too #trong for us, (landing in our ovine might: but by the grace of God, leaning upon` his power we remaine invincible. The firength of na?ure is corrupt, feeble, and defiled through fìnne ; and therefore the truth which it taketh hold of; it bathnot efffeaually. But faith bath joyned with it the infpiration of God, and the power of the holy Chaff, and th refore it taketh hold of the truth cftecttually. Wherefore this difference is not in the truth it felfe, ' but in the rreane and inftrument whereby we em- brace it. Hereof it commeth, that by faith we are changed , but in the other cafe we remaine the felfe- fame that we were before. A cleare teftimony of' this we have in the Gofpell. Chrilf fet forth to rhé young-man , what he lhould doe to obtaine falvation': but when he heard, he was not perfwaded to obey , but went away forrowfull. Contraiiwife Matthew, fo foone as he was called, embraced the famewith fó great faith, that he left his money and Cuftorner -fhip and ffraight-way followed Chill. And Zácbem when he had heard of the Lord, that he would turne in unto him, . he not only received himinto his hcufe with a gladheart, but alfo offered immediatly to diffribmte hale his goods to thepoore and to reftore fouce-fold flliehaddefrauded any man. Indeed paffions arenot fo bridled, nor corruptions fo killed that they doe not flirre,& refit thew)rke offaith a But the forceand power ofthem is fo farre fhb hied, t-at they!hall not raigne,or haleus ordinarily to that which is evil!. Whatfoever inordinateneffe faithcan efpie,it Both prefently condemnebefore the throneofgrace, and en- deavour the killing of it by the power and efficacy of Chrirts death , which it doth happily eff;c in meafure, and bydegrees. Haft thou thenbeenelong kept under of force violent paffion, fitong corruption or cuftornary vice, againftwhich thou haft refol ed' and refeilvbd, but not prevailed or gottenvi ory ? Get thee to aria, and by Muth iggaz. .ulltth,g 9. Luke ag. 8.