Commáncíerjaerrts, &c. 379 fiftible arguments offaith, bywhich it moveth the heart toyeeld willing andchearefiill obedience. Thus it goeth to worke with us, Hath Chrift given himfclfe for thee, forgiventhee fo manydebts,conferred favours ofall kinds upon thee, and what haft thou to retribute ? If thou give all thy goods to the poore, thy body to the fire, thy foule to his fèrvice, were not all port ofrecompence ? Lovett thou,loveft thou this Saviour of thine, anddareft thou ad- venture upon any thingdifpleafinguntohim? Is there any thing toohard tobe done for his fake ? tooBeare or good for him ? Whom haft thou in heavenor earth worthy to be affe&ed in com.parìfon of thy Savicur ? What is to be dreaded buthis difpleafure ? Is thereany recompence to the ¡oyes ofHeaven?any danger to the torments ofHell ? any pleafure to the fenfe ofhis favour ? O my foulewhy doch thou not retgnethy felfe to the pleafure of his will in every thing, runne whenhe.calleth, anddot what hee requirethat thyy hands?What dolt thou:feare?.Wherewith art thondntahgled ? God is thy foveraigne, thyFather,thy Saviour;tohim thou oweft thyfelfe,and all that thouphaft, thy honour, wealth, life, or if any thing be more pretious then thefe.Thoucanft not love thy felfeas ismcete,ifthou denie not thy felfc to follow the Lord inall.things. For in keepinghis Commandements there is great reward. Can, or did any Believer ever give the nay to thefe melting commands,or commandingentreatiesof faith?Will it take the repulfe?Doth it not conftraineor extort more then all rackes and (lrapadoes; allure more then all wages andpri; zest When thou.wouldft be fare to fpeede,. &obtain any thing ofthineowne untoward heart,fet faithon worke to make the motion, and thou prevaile.For the motives !of faith are certaine,cvident,and fuch as caufe firme a(Tent, whereby the heart is drawne to follow after the thing propofed. Fiftly, It difpofcthandmoveth the heart to- abfolute, 1 uniforme,unpartiall,and conflantobedience toevery com- mandement, and that in one eftate afwell as another. In Scrip-