o ._.,...9 I3eut.;o. O. &II.RD. z King. i 8.6. Jofll,n3. 8. AEts 22.23. Pfal. t 19.3 1. Heb.i i.5, 33. 6. Cant.8.7,8. * Pfa1.63.8. Lukc7.47. What it is to livehy Faith teaching the Scripture,to believe in Chrif},and tokeepe theCommon dements mutually inferre one another, either capable, of orhers:properties:' Faith.includes thecorrrpleate añdpra- él:icall:knowledgeo£good anchevill, inclining the facul- ties of our fouletoavoid all commercewith the one, and embrace every branchofthe other. It framed] the Image ofGód or Chria in our minds, and ° propofeth him as a patterne for our imitation inallour wö kes,thoughts,and refolutións ; Itacknowledgeth his foveraignty, affenteth faithfully to his will Scpleafure,embraceth foundly every part oftheholy truthofGod, and f}icketh fo fat} that no- thingcan corne betwixt the:heart,and it : from whence iffuethuniverfall;rcfpec toall 'and.every precept. Faith doth not admit.one.part ofxbeWord;arzd exclude another= nßrreceive it b reL' into the I ead,and_ffmt it forthofthe heart,, but entertaineth it wholly, diffufeth the vertue of it into every power ofthe .foule,aìid changed] the naturall difpoltidn i to.the.gt alityofthe.truth..Andthus by faith the .ffule.iskindly difpoled rdfollow the Lord, 'whither- foever he goeth before us. If the heart be dull and unto- ward,the.beft courfetoredrefle what isout oforder,is by quickeningour affent to the good pleafure of his com- mand, and our corsfidencein his mercy. Sixthly,. It fires theheart indefatigable and unquenchable love,that in cornparifonofobedience it có- temneth thewhole world. For it acquainted] with the in- comprehenGble mercy and favourofGod towards us in givinghitSonne,pardoningand forgivingmanifold offen ces,l-adïngus withhis daily blefíing's It reprefenteth the irte.E}imable joy ,. that is,prepared for themthat walke be- fore God inholineffe and righteoufneffe : and this enfla- meth the heart *to follow hard after the Lord. Whenby faith wedifcernc what love the Lord bearethunto us, we cannot but returne love for love.Many firmes are 'forgiven her, therefore the lovethmuch. And fromall thefe-aas'.it followed], That what a tem- porarybeliever dothby the halves,fuperficially, or with an