Commandements, bc. 38 anhalting divided heart,that the true and unfained belie- ver takes in handwithan intire, found, upright affedion. What in theone is a liveleffea&ion,'heout-fide , or car- cafl'e of a goodworkc ; that in the other is a good worke ìndeed,fpringing from an holy, wet- plantedconfidence in the mercy of God, & refolute adherenceto his Comman- dements, which (as the animal]. faculty) impels to that ex- crcitie.The felfe-fame duties may bedone by the civil! man and by the believer for the out-fide and deede done : both maygoc to Church,hearea Sermon, read,. a Chaprer,give an. Aimes, make aPrayer ; but the one goeth as a Beale to the flake in comparifon o f the other , who is moved by faith: or let thecivilf mans delight be as it may, his as arc livelefte,becaufe they iflue not from an obedientiall confidence in the Lordsmercy. Seventhly, Faith makes fenfible ofour manifold de- 7. fee s, infirmities, and failings, Paintings and coolings. It fhewes how weake we are ofour (elves, how farrewe come rhort,howapt weare todecline and flanafde.And this confederation of faithbath bleffedeffec`Is. FirR, It caufeth ferious and attentive meditation upon r the 'Wordof God, that it may'inke deepe and abide firme in theheart.Ibavehid [or treafi reap up] thy Commande- Afts x6. r4. vents inmy heart,that Imight notJi;.neagainf `l thee.And to pfal t 19,1 g,, thispurpofc, abeliever will not be negligent to watch all Pfal., j9. ii. opportunities, when his foule is throughly affeéed with unexpec4edmatter offorrow ,joy,griefe,feare,admiration Luk. a.6g, 66. or thelike, and forthw ith toapply fuch paffagesof Scrip- & 1.51. ture, as fute bell to the prefent affections.. Sccondly,.Itworkeththe heart often and deliberately to renew its rcfolution,not truf}in g in our ovine Rrength, s but in thegrace ofGod. l havefrorne, and performe it (trollingupon thy divinegrace,without whichwe cando pfal, z r9, t o6. John s 5 nothing) that Ira keepe thy righteous lodgements. Thirdly, It Clines up earner, conflaet,and hearty pray- ers, tobe taught in the law,upheld, ef}ablifhed and confir- med. Faith ieaneth upon the Lord, and crieth unto him for.