381' What it is to live by Faith torching the for helpe,knowing that wehaveno flrength ofour felves. Open thoumine eyes that Imaybehold the wondroui _thhinge Per r a 8, out ofth7 law. O that my wayes were direeled tokeeps thy JerCe ç. T,7erfe lo. "'mutes. Withmy whole heart have Ifought thee, O let me Verle z8. Hot wander from thy Commandeeasents. kiyf"onl meltethfor Pfal, a 7.4. heavineffe : firengthen thou me according to thy word. Hold I Chrot,g. t 8, upmygoings in thypaths, that my footfbepsflipnot 19. 8' Eightly, It doth confrme in obedience, and pricke for- ward therein, though it be in manifold andbitter perfecux tions : It puts intous both courage and conflancy to fight againfl the ltrongclt lulls, and fet upon the pradice of the moll difficult duties, notwithltanding a 1 oppofìtion from the World, or theDivell;yea, though we have beene foi- led, or taken the repulfe. He will not feare the fubduing ofthe mol} head-Grong pafïion, who relleth upon God for power and ability ; nor be difmayed becaufe once he bath received a toile, who depends upon God for ftrength to recover ; nor dread the might ofhis greats& adverfary, who knoweth that God will be at his right hand to fu- Raine and flrengthen him ; nor flanaide in the molt dif- ficult duty,whofe heart is fall linked unto the Lord ,and re- lied] uponhis grace to be enabled unto whatfoever he is pleafed to call him. By faith e.. braham fojourned in the land ofpromife, and minded not to returne tohis native I ' a z,r;; r 5 Country,thoughhe had opportunity.By faith, being tried Vet fe,17, t 8. ofGod, he offered up Ifaac : andhe that hadreceived the promifes, offeredup his onely begotten Sonne. By faith force were tortcred.,not accepting deliverance, fome,fianed,-fouie Verfe 6, Elaine with the(word, 35,3 Faith eccouragethtoconftaucy°in weI-doing, by affu- ring ofGods all-fceing prefence , powerful protedion, continual) affillance,gractous acceptance,good fucceffe, & 1 pheGa.io. everlafting recompence : , 'Be fitrong in theLord, and in the power ofhis might. Waiteon the Lord : bee ofgood courage, andbeef7agfirengtben thine heart. For the Lord God will Pfal.17. r4. helps me, therefore fl>all Inot be confounded:therefore have I &fay504 .7, fit myface likefiint,and Iknow thatIfliall not be confounded Let Heb:ì19,10,