Ball - BT770 B3 1637

■Ce^^ndeme'ntsr'^tc^ Let usgotforth thereforeunto'him without the Gampe,hearing hh-MffoachrFixhe&'^h/Wt mmutinuing (fit}, but mfeekoene to to,mi.B$0*A JWthes.did)chuferather iofufer jiw efer a/eafon • efieeming.thejeproach,i f Chrifi greater riches then the treafuret ofEgypt: fo r he had raj$>e£l unto the recompense;ofreward^: 0 !~ t But faith that continuallydrives forward to doe good workes^doth ever force the?believerj:6denieshirnlelfe,& acknowledge it to be the raercy* of the Lord in Chrift, that he is not confounded.'! hough a man be plentifully laden with good workes j. yet faith doth ever prefent bim before the throne ofgraceas poareand miferable,defiring o fmeere mercy to be received aiidaccepted:Iteon feffetb the manifold imperfedtions ofourbeft worker, acknow- ledgeth every grace and good worke to be o f God,& never looketh to workes further then as they be fignes of grace, effects o f faith, and qualifications of that fubjedf, which makes faithfullpleatct thc o f Heaven,; thtoughthefree mercy OfGodiiiJefuSjChrift- :u But how fliould a Chriftian quicken faith to thegchcar- full practice of that duty, whereunto he findeis himfelfe dull and fluggifli . Ifirfi; He muft acknowledge and’beWaite :hi$>dvtlnefib and floath, makfc it hasefull, and fliamehimfelfe fdr it before God. O Lord i I cannot, I defire not :td Hide from thee mine indifpofition, and unfitneffe to any holy duty jg how dull, remiflej ifleighty.Iatn in the ;pra6Hfe o f true piety and godlineffe. fI flndemore life, diligence, cheate- fulnefle in anyWifstldly bufinefle, then in the workes of hol[inelfe( which thou requifeftt €7»r/cd’if the man that doth the worke'ofthe Lori negligently i/rcho hath a male in his ftocie, andofferefh the halt or lame unto theXord, What is my porcion.if I fliould be dealt with, in jufiice k who haye negleiffed my dutyiarid facrificed that which is tonne and fickcuntOi'the great King and ;Lord :o£ hofts, whofe Iname is dreadfull among the Heathen ? It is hateful! in a | . , , ! ; \.' ________ fer3 U iHcb.xi.zy,!^. Meant! to quicken our [elves to the practife of obedience. 1 . Jer.4*!.!®. Mai.1.14.