Ball - BT770 B3 1637

384. What it is to live by Faith tosachin3 de fervant todo his workeby the halves :fpecia ily ifheowe himfelfe untohis Mater forundeferved kindneffes:What- foever I am , I have received it ofthe Lord : all poflible duty,thatcanbeperformedofareafonable creature, I owe untohim ; he hath obliged me unto his highneffe by ma- nygreat, undeferved, incomprehenfible mercies,that I am never able to repay, or fufficiently to acknowledge : and in me it is moft abhominable that Ihave beene halting and deceitful) inwhat he-commandeth, Can any man defèrve that duty from another, that thou, OLord, haft and doft deferve of me ? Can he be in fuch dependance unto ano- ther, asI am unto thy Majelly, in whom I live, move, have my being ; by whom I am preferved,redeemed,and calledunto life ? If the idle, untruey, deceitful) fervant merit (tripes : my fieightneffe and double dealing in the exercifes of Godlineffe, is worthy fhatneand confmion of . face for evermore,Nomarvel), If Ifinde (mall comfort in life, feele nopower and fweetneffe in the ordinances of grace, when IBeale partially, Beare perfunctorily, pray coldly, labour not to feede upon the word, and fucke vi- gour outofir.Theduties ofcourtefie lofe their worth and efteemewithmen,when wrungfrom usby importunacy, or followed with a flackehand: Lord,thouloveft a chute- full giver,delighte(t inwilling and free- heartedofferings: with what face then can I prefent unto thy Majefly, or how fhoulde(tthou takepleafure in that malmed,corrupt. unchearefull, fuperficiall, dead fervice which I perforrne ? In former times Ihave ferved (inne and Sathan with more willingnef e, alacrity and paines ; I have beene ready to renne whither the divell drove me ; I am frill forward to gratifie unruly defireswith this or that they Rand unto, and are bentupon. What am I but afpirituall adultercf e, in that I have yeelded themembers ofmy body as wea- pons of unrighteoufnes todoe the will of Satan,& Iiftened to themotions of the f e h, withmore readinefle to leane unto them, thenhitherto I could give my felfe unto God in all things to beruled and dïrec}ed by him ? O Lord, I am