Ball - BT770 B3 1637

Commandements,&c. am vile, it is of thy unfpeakcablemerde that thou art pleafed to lookedowneupon me, or toaccept ofany fer- vice that I can offer. Secondly,Hemu[l call uponhis foule by many powerful! eir flrong perfwafions,to awake to the work ofGodwith livelinefle. Arife,Omy foule, why fleepeflthou,flirre up thy felfcwith readineffe toobey the charge ofGod in the duties of his worfhip,and the works ofMercy and Iuflice: withfland fin, fubduc corruptions, fight manfully againft thetemptationsof Satan,& theallurements of theworld: Sticke fail unto the teCtimonies ofthe Lord, and lay his judgements before thee. For theteflimonies ofthe Lord are wondc rfull, his judgements good, righteous and very faithfuil : hisword is very pure ; and his law is thetruth. The fervice ofGod isperfcci freedome:he waiketh at li- berty, who runneth on in obedience. As thy love to the law is, fuck (hall thy life be: nothing is hard to a willing minde. Want ofaffe lion to theword oftruthmakes the duties cómanded to feeme irkefome and tedious. Love the Commandements above gold, and obedience will be as pleafant,as gaine to thecovetous. Looke upon theSaints, whohave gonebefore : they endured imprifonment,loffe of liberty, the Ipoilingof goods, hazard oflife with joy, looking unto the eternall and incomprehenfible recom- penceofreward.Thou art not called to fuffer,but to obey; at leaf! not to fief .r fuchgrievous torments as theydid : whydoeft thou then delay, flartafrde, or goeforth unwil- lingly ? Wouldefl thou raigne with them, and not labour with them ? receive the prtce,and not run the race?divide the fpoile, andnot fight the battell ? In the affaires of this life we love to excel!, and out-goe our fellowes ; as to be firff up,and about our worke ; toexceed in favour, riches, honour,wifedome ; and in matters ofReligion to be dead and lumpifh, is it notabhominable ? Obedience is no dull ¡ fervice, no dead pieceofworke, but the way toblefled- nes and the crowne of glory. TheLord bathnot faid,Seek meeis vain. The rewardof obedience is certaine,though C c our 381 2. Prat a r9, iz4. Verfe.39, Verfe. 3 S. Efay.45.r90