Ball - BT770 B3 1637

386 j What it is to-live by Fa!th touching the our workes defervenothing. The Merchant undertakes dangerous adventures to rife hise[late,inrichhimfelf.But what is the goldofIndia to the joye of Heiven?a fading pofelïion to an eternall weight ofglory ? drive to enter, andgo: forward in the (trait:: way that lcadeth unto life. Arite, why tarrieft thou ? forget nor the high price of calling)but contend forward towards the marke. Heaven is worthall thy labour. We are glad to beentertained of thetn,whohave a name tobe liberali & bountiful' to their attendants ; who is tobecompared to the Lord our God herein ? He is molt al:le, and belt willing toprefrrre his I Cor. z.9. fervants.Eye hath not feene,eare hath not heard,it exceeds all humane capacity to conceive,what furpaffingglory and joy the Lord hath prepared for them that love him. 3. Thirdly, He muft pray to the Lord that hewould re- Pfal.i43.1o. vive and quicken him. Teach me to die thywill,for thou art my God; thy Spirit isgood; leadme into the landofupright_' Cant.' .4. neff . My delire is todo thygood pleafure, but ofmy felfe I have no ability thereunto : DrawmeandImillrunne af_ PCal.I 19.;3, ter thee. Teachme the wayofthy fixtures, a1d I will l¿.epe it 34231. unto theend. give mee underflan andIlh tzll k'e P e thy I;f. law ;yea, IJhall obferve it withmy whole heart. Lord thou haft commanded me tokeepe thy tei1imonies ; giveme I Pratt 9.36. pray thee todoewhat thou requirel. Incline my heart to thyffatutes, 4ndnot to covetoufnefe, 4. Fourthly, He muft renewhis refolution towalke with *Praia t9 93 God trufling in his grace. * Iwill neverforget thyprecepts, for with them thou haft quicknedme. Ihave fullypurpofed tokeepe andcleave unto thy Commandements, for they are the joyofmyheart. But, LordI leane not uponmine owne ftrepgth, but upon thy grace, who givel both to Prat. I will and todoe. Thouart my portion, O Lord, Ihave/aid I 1 z. 9 S ' ` that 'will keepe thy words. Order my Ffeps in thyword: and Pfal.t 19.13 3. i let not any iniquity have dominion over me, CHAPr