duties of0urvilGAt1 CHAP. X. What it is to livebyfaith in the c''uties of our vocation. IT is the ordinance of God, that men fhould labour in fomehoneft vocation,for their private maintenance,and the common good, that is, the benefit and good eltateof mankind a And for encouragement hehath promifed to protect and bleffe them that keepe themselves within the limits, anddoetheworkes oftheir calling withdiligence. The textsofScripture are plaine for both. TheLordGod tooke the man, andput him into thegarden ofEden to dreffe it, and to keepe it. In thefweate ofthyfaceflair thou Bate breaf, tillthou return unto theground. Let him thatfiole, fleale no more, but rather let him labour, war king with his hands the thing that isgood : that he may have togive to him that needeth. Let every man abide in thefame calling wherein he was called. Study to bequiet , and to doeyoururine bufineff"e and to werke withyour owne hands,(as wecomman- dedyou) thatyee maywalke hone'ly towards there that are without. Forevenwhen we werewith you, this we cowman dedyou, that if any man would not worke neitherfhauldhee cate. Thehandofthe diligent math rich. Theist bfance'of a diligent man ispretiaus. He thatgat herethby labourfhall encreafe. The hand of thediligent 'hallBeare rule. Seeft thou aman diligent inhis butneffe ? heelballflandbefcrei.Cings, hee 'hall not fland before meane men. Hee flail give his e4ngels charge over thee to keepe thee in all thy wayes. Now feeing God hathcommanded us to labour ina cal- ling, prefcrrbed thebounds of our calling, andpromifed his protection and bleüing to our honeft endeavours, it cannot bee queftionedwhether webe allowed to live by faith in the duties ofour calling. For the exercifeoffaith is as large as the word whereby it is guided and modtra- C c a ted, 387' Cri(!unsafe atlomed to live byjzith in the duties oftheir vocation. Gen.z.if. Gen. 3.r 9. Ephef..4.a8. ICor.7.zo. Thef.4.2 t,xa z TheC.3,to, 11,1 Z. Pro.to.4.8r 12.27. Pro.,3.x r. Pro. tz.x4. Pro. zz. 29. Pfal.9t, tx.