388 a What it is t®áiveby Faith in the ted, that it neither exceed, nor come fhort. Where a worke iscommanded, faith puts forth it felfe in aefion ; where apromife is made, ittru(teth, relieth, andwaiteth for accomplifhment. Ineveryhone(} Rate and condition oflife there is ufeof faith inboth refpeE}s For labour is commanled,and promife ofbleffing is made to them that worke according to the willand pleafure of God.Moreo- ver, God h hereby much ggLrified, that wee com- mit our felves wholly unto him, labouring as. bee bath appointed, and depending uponhis grace for good fuc- celle. v"ecej rt It is neceffary wee fhould live by faith, to prevent r&e duties ofour theevills which befet us in our ordinariecall;ngs : cove- vocarion. toufneffe, injullice, impatience, and diftrattingcare. Na- turallymen are apt to incutnber themfelves with fuper- fluons bufineffe, and trouble themfelves about the event and fucceffe : they content not themfelves with their lot and condition, but delire toheape up riches and increafe their fubltanceabove meafure ; they foreca(t many things in their heads long before ; and know no end of their cares. The trouble men meet with in the world, begets loveofthe world;andwhether theybescroflèdor profper, the more they be exercifed about the things of this life, the more they follow after themwithgreedineffe, vexa- tion, difcontent, plotting and deviling how to compaflc theirdefignes whether by right or wrong, fraud or op- pre-Ilion. The foveraigne remedy again{} there and other the like mifchiefes, which weareprone to runne into, is alively faith, which liftethup the heart to better things, then ought is to be foundunder the Moone, quietly fub- mitteth unto the good pleafure of God, commendeth the fuccefle and event ofall hone{} endeavours unto his Highnefle, and refteth uponhis grace for prevent helpe and future fupply in the ufeof Inch meanes as he bathor- dained. Heb, I.6. trithoht faith it is impofble to pleafe God God is the Authour ofeverybonavocation,andby hisappointment men