duties ofottr vowing: 3 9 men ought to labour in tome particular fcate or condition oflife : but that work is not acceptable, which is not done in faith. If faith doe not quicken,' feafon, andguide the workes ofcur calling, they are dead and carnali as they come from us,ncither begunupon foundground,ncr done in uniforme and right manner,nor direeted to a right end. That which fhould put life into the aFtion is ibfent, if faith be Iacking. Experience is of great ufe in agodly life, both to con- firme faith, fcrengthenhope, preferve love, overcome temptations, and direft in difficu'ties. But the ready meanes toget grounded experience,is to livebyfàith in the workesofour vocation, and obferve how the Larddea- lethwith us therein accordingto his word. The a&s of faith in this particular be thefe. Firff, It informeth to make choife of an hone(}vo- cation ; for which we are fitted ; and into whichwe may enter, bydirect, good, and lawfull meanes. Hee thou an- derflandeth A matter Jhall finde good, faith Solomon : wherein hee teacheth, that what bufinefle any man ta- keth inhand, heemufc know it well and accurately, if he looke to fini(h it honeftly and with good fuccefíe. This therefore is the rule, by which we arc dire&ed in our vocation, that what art any man knoweth, he fhould exercife himfelfe in it. This, as it mull be obferved in all arts, fciences, profeffions, in the family, Common- wealth, Church ; fo, as every art or profellion is of grea- ter moment in any focietie publike or private, facredor prophane, it is with greater diligence, more (tudioufly to be looked unto. As our calling muff be hone(}, that is, ferviceable to the Church, Common wealth or private family ; and as we muff be gifted for it : fo muff ween- terby lawfull anddire& meares appointedofGod, that wee may bee of tired our calling is ofGod, and that bee will accept of oar fervice in that citate and condition of life. Secondly, Faith inffructethnot to meddle above our Cc3 know- The aEisoffaith in refßeét ofthe duties ofour calling. Pro, a 6. zo.