390 What it is tolive by Faith in the Pro.fl6.ßo. Pro. 3.f,6. Pii, t27.I,2,. Hag.1.6,9. Èccle.9.I I. 3. knowledge, but to leane upon the living Lord, not on our skill or cunning. who fo trufJeth in the Lordha ppie is lee. Trufi in the Lord with all thine heart, and !cane not unto thine atone underffending : In all thy wages ac- knowledge him, and het direct thypathes, It is hard for a min very skilful!, fo to with -draw his heart and thought from his skill, as that he doe not wholly red in it : but faith, looking flu:tiler then fence or reafon is able, difpoffeffech the heart of' this carnali confidence, and ixeth it upon the Lord alone. For it acknowledged] him onely tobe the Fountaine ofall good, and perfvade.h the foule, that unleffe it reise upon his grace, wifdome, and flrength,he (hall bring nothing to paffe by his owne wife- dome,wit and cunning. Foreither he (hall not efl'ecl what he indeavours todoe, by the helpeand benefit of his skill or ifhebring it to paffe, it (hall not fucceed or availe lam to thofehone(i ides whichhe intended. The race is not to thefwifr,nor the battell to the ftrong,neitheryet bread to the reife,noryet riches to menofunderftanding; noryetfavotir to menofskill. Thirdly, It quickeneth the mo(f skilful' workeman to (hivewithGod inprayer, that the dvorke he fetteth upon might fuccetd well andprofper ; that is, that his skill might be ready and at hand, whereby he might fi- nifh the thing hee goeth about,, and that it might be oftife to them for whomit isappointed.For being fènfible ofhis owne weakeneffe, and expecting helpe and fupply from heaven, hewill not ceafe to crave theaide andblef- fingofGod.It is the property offaithtopray continually, looking unto the mdl1high for helpe, and having alively fence ófprefent wart,which (lirrethup a ferions afeclion ofpraying. Fourthly, It caufeth diligence, care, uprightneffe, and faithfulnefle in all the workes, ac}ions, and bufineffes of Our calling ; as knowing that whi'le[}.we walkehone(lly 1. therein, wee doe fervice to the Lord fefus. It is noted ofthevertuous, wife, faithful!, and godly woman, that Thee