Ball - BT770 B3 1637

duties ofour vocation. 391 [bee jeeketh wooll, and flaxe, anot worketb-willingly with Pro.; a:i ;,, S. her hands : Shée rifethalto whilee it ùyet night, andgiveth mate to her hotejhold. Faith awakeneth the fiuggard, rowfeth the lafie, maketh the idle layhis bones toworke, and him that was apurloyner, todale truely, juuly, and honeflly. It is the belt cocke to call up the drowfie : for it ringeth in his care; when wilt thou arife ? loe the Lord calleth thee to thy taske; why"tarrieft thou fo long, ftirreft fo [lowly ? TheSwine rejoyceth as a Gyant to run bis race : why fharpencft not thou thy felfe to the worke which God hash laid upon thee ? It is the willingell meflènger tobe fent uponany bufineffe, the truftieft over- feer ofany labour, the molt free undergoerofany toyle zChro ; or paines ; you neede not call him to reckoning who accounts With faith ; nor haft him forwardwho moveth by faith; nor chain him tohis worke, who by faithun- dertaketh it. For he is affured he doth it untoGod, who Epher6,s. calleth upon him, and from whom bee mutt expect re- compence, ifhee walke cheareful!y, and in fingleneffe of heart. When a man is perfwaded, that his calling is approved of God, and profitable to men, by helping tomaintaine the (lateofthe Church or Common-wealth, and that it is that, in which God will be fervedofhim then he takes it inhand, not likea drudge or droile who cloth his work for feareofthe whip ; nor like anhireling, who workes onely for wages ; nor likeeye-fcrvants who leave their bufineffe when the mailers eye is turned afide: but withgoodwill, diligence and fingleneffe ofheart, he addreffeth himfelfe tohis worke, being affured ofGods ailiilance and furtherance therein, whomhe ferves in his vocation. This perfwanon that we ferve theLord in our callings, who is a bountifull pay-mailer, and bathpromi- feda largebleffing unto us,forceth to goe willingly about that worke,whichotherwife wouldfeeme toylefome and unpleafant. Fifthly, It incourageth to themolt difficult, painful), and (in the worlds efteeme) difgracefull workes of our C c 4 callings. 5.