Ball - BT770 B3 1637

39 a i PVhat it is to live by Faith in the calling. Dkhu( t' breeds nieenefie,feare and flaggifhnes: b3 s7. faithproduceth b hardinefie, valour, and acclivity ; for it allures of divine prote'ion and good fucceffe : Pride makes men afhamed ofmany things, which in the world zTlim t.7,s,M be matters ofdifgrace : but faith witneffeth,that the trae- eft honour is tobe Gods fervant, and the greateft glory to dowhatfoever the Lord requireth at our hands. By faith Heb.rt.7. 21jah prepareth the Arke, le: the men oftheoldword Iudg.x.4. mocke their fill. By faith i dah goeth up to fight the Lords battels, whatfoever danger appeare in the voyage. 116, it 1.9,1e. Faith bringeth Abralsar» fromhis native countrey,andhis fathers houfe,to fojourne in aftrange land,whenhe is cal- Mark. 6 IR. led of the Lord.Faith maketh John the Baptift bold to tell Herod plainely, that it is not lawfull for him to have his brothers wife, Ict him take it as he pleafe, Corruption gill fuggeft, fuch a thing befeemeth not a man ofmy place,breeding, bringingup ; ir would be taken ill,might procure difpleafure, trouble, difgrace, and danger : but faith looketh to theWord of God, and ifit be adutie re- quired, incourageth to fet about it with fpeed, referring the iffue and event to him that bath commanded ir, and efleemeth it thegreaten credit to doe the will and plea- fureofthe Lord. Sixtly, It flrengtheneth againft manifold troubles, dif- graces, oppofitions, anddifcouragemcnts that men meete withall in their places ; and inableth to gee through flitch with our bufinefl`e in ill report and good report, ! in honour and difgrace. Diflrufl bring th forth weari- neffe and fainting: faith perfifleth in theworke, notwith- (landing all difficultieswhichmay arife, either from the dayly continuance of the labour, or other impediments. Faith either negleaeth, or removeth , or breaketh through all lets and obfacles. Worldlings and hypo- crites are difheartned in their bufinefté, becaufe no man refpeas their paines, is well-pleafed with their doings ; let them doe what they can, they (hall not have a good word ; But the found believer is aboundantly fatisfied with