Ball - BT770 B3 1637

duties of vocation. with Gods approbationand reward, and goeth on chear- fully, though men Phew him no countenance, allow no recompence ; yea though he be molefted, perfecuted, im- prifoned, killed for well-doing. IfGod be pleafed to vouchfafe other incouragements to take paines, faith makes ufe ofthem with thankefulneffe e but if they bee wanting, it will not give place to negligence or re- miflènefre. with mee it is a very (Mall tlin? that I fhould bee judged ofyou, or of mans judgement. 2Vor ofmen fought wee glory, neither ofyou, noryet ofothers, when wee might have beene bu(denfeme as the eApo- files of Chrifl. But what things were gaine to mee, thafe I counted laiTe for Chrift. Tea, doubt!,ffe and I count all things but toffe, for the ex ellencieof the knowledge ofChrifl Iefa my Lord : forwhom Ihavefùfferedthe lofe ofallthings ; anddoe count them but dung that Imay Winne Chrif . Seventhly, It direc!eth wifely to order the affaires of' our calling, and togoe about them in good manner, that is, in obedience, to right ends, and with an heavenly Miede, exercifingthe graces that God bath bellowed up- on us : whereby it comes topaf;e that they are furtheran- ces and not hinderances in the duties ofpiety. Thus Da- vid behavedhinfelfe wifely in all his wayes:andbeingcalled ofGod to the governement ofthe kingdome,he promifeth to execute his office in uprightne{le and innocencie to the praifeof God : Iwill ling ofmercyandjudgement, to thee, O Lor),wiillfing. Eightly, As faith quickeneth to labour and doe what pertaineth toour calling;fo it teacheth to moderate cares, confine defires of earthly things, andcommit our fcly s toGod for the fucceffe of our worke. Labour is mans dude ; good fucccffe is the bleflingof God. Men com- monly take upon them a double care one to doe the workes of their place, the other to take thought about the blefíingand fucceffeoftheir labours.But faith inGods Word, where it raignes, applieththehearts ofmen to the tier for. 393 37. aCor. ç. 3. iThe4ï:a 6,9. I'hi1:3.7,8. 7- Eecle. z. z6. ISam.a8.14. PfA iol.a. S.