Ball - BT770 B3 1637

39h What it is to liveby Faith in the Pfal. g.5,z.:t: Iv.latth.6. 3 t. t Pet.s.g. Pral. t 27.t. Prov. t 6.3. Matth.6.33. Pfal.q.z.t. Pfal. e6 S performance of their duties, and leaveth the'bleliîng of their indeavours . to the good will and pleafure of God. Thus weare exhorted todoe. CO thy burthen upon the ,Lard,and helball'is:Pine :thee:heballneverfüffer the righ- teous to bemoved. A Chriftiati is to confider the difficulty ofall things pertaining tohim, andwhat danger is in them. He is dili- gently to fet his hand to the T.vorke, and through negli- ÿencc to omit nothing that is of moment to of cit and being it to paffe. But having taken couniell, and laboured painefully, he muff lay afide care of the event,& rowle his burthen upon the Lorel,who bathprom' ifed that all things !hall be well regarded.. And this faith bath an infallible ground, namely, that God belt knowes our wants; änd will give,usall things, which inhis heavenlywifdomehe knoweth tobeneceflary.Your heavenlyFather knoares that leehave needofthefe things,that is,food,and raiment. Caft .your care on god, for he carethforyou. Nothing !hall be wantingunto them that feare.God. And thus faithbuil- ding uponthefe promifes, obtained/ a greaterbleffing of God with leffe care, toile, and vexation, then worldlìngs can by all their cunning fhifts,fleights,and devices. Com- ma thywor e.ç unto the Lord, andthy thoughts fhall be ella- blifhed. Faith alfo rearaineththe delires oftranfitorie things, as it lifted-) up the heart to better and more durable riches, fecketh the Kingdome of Heaven, hungers and thirfleth after righteoufneffe, feedethupon the mercyof God in Chriff,and refleth fatisfied in theLord as its onely portion. Ninthly, It fupporteth with ftrcPgthpatiently tobeare themiferies and calamities that accompany us in our cal- lings. Ever lince the fall ofrfldana, labour and afflieti- on attend every Rate and condition of life, both which are eafìly digefted by faith. Ifwee be croffed inthe good things wegoc about, faith cdnfidereth,that this commcth topaffe by the good providence ofGod, who fometimes croffeth 9.