dutiesofourvocatiosi. 395 croffeth our good and lawfull attempts, leaft wee fhould truft inour felves, defpife the puore arilaffliáed; and-be glued fait to thefe_earthly things. Alfo it rcmernbers,us ofGods deare and tender love,whoOf meere favour loth chaftife, and will fo order, that all miferies (hall in the end turne to our good. And by fùch like meditations it worketh the foule tocontentation in every e(tate. Ihave learned in what `Dever flate I am, therewith to be content. I snow both how to be abated, andI k, owhow to abound:every where, in all ,things Iam inffrugled, both to befull, and to be hrsngrie, both to abound, and tofiner need. Moreover, faith turneth crofles into advantage, as it calleth the affli- c}edunto theexamination ofhis wayes, and reformation ofwhat isamiífe,worketh felfe-deniall,etnptieththeheart ofthe love of bafe and tranftory things, quickeneth un- toprayer,caufeth to rellifh mercywithmore fweetneffe, andcovet fpirituall things more earnellly, revivethhope, and gaineth experience of Gods favour and tender corn- paillon. Tenthly, Faith reftraineth di rurtfnll care concerning the fucceffe ofour labours, but is not flacke to crave Gods bleflìng upon our labours. It wrappeth all griefes,vexati- ons and cares together,andpowreth themforth before the Lord in prayer. Be carefullfor nothing, but in every thing byprayer andfupplicatianwith thanksgiving,letyour regtteft bemade knowne unto God. Tn the mida of forrowes faith is 6lent from murmuringand impatience : but it is never (dent in prayer :it Both continually cryunto the Lord for fuccour. Eleventhly. Ifwe finde wifhed fuccefle, it makes vi- gilant, frugal, humble, mercifull, atïd thankefull : for it receivethall bleflings,asgifts of grace,to be imployed ac- cording toGods will andappointment,to the gloryof his Name, andcomfort ofhis people and teacheth fo to ufe the world, as willingly to renounce all intereft in the world, for the fafhion thereofpaffeth away. And with what confcience towards Godwe are inclined to labour, with IO. Phr1.4,6. Pfal,6a,a, I I.