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396 pro.nt.zç,a6. Plaf. I2. Hoyewe may live byfaith touching the rucceffe ofour labours.. *Pro. 3.5. Jer.10.z3. * Pro. tó.2,.& 2,1.2. Lam.;.; 7. What it is tolive by Faith in the with the famewe arc ¡Erred up togive toothers, as need requireth. The dtfireofthe f othfullkflleth him:forhishands retie tv. Lbosrr. Hecovetethgreedily all theday long: but the righteous givethanIarethnot. Twelfthly, faith cóupleth the labours of our calling with the practice ofChrif}ianity : for God hath laid his Commandement upon us, both to feeke his Kingdome, workeout our faivation, make our eleC-lion lure, exercife our felvcs in all good workes,walke in love and labour-ho- neíly in.our particular vocation : and faith cannot fe- parate what God bathjoyned. He that laboureth in faith looketh not onely what hedoth, but whyhe doth it ; and hath refpea to oneduty commanded as well as another, the reafonofhis obedience beingone and the fame,narne- ly, the will and commandement ofthe Lord. Ifa man labour in faith ; thebetter he laboureth, the more diligent he is in the fervice ofGod, and workesofmercy ; and the more diligent he is in the dutiesofpiety,the more faithful' in his honefl labour. But how fhould a Chriltian live by faith touching the good fucceffe, and diredion of that workeor bufineffe, whereuntohe is called,whichhe finder tobe much above his flrength or meanes. Firlt, Faith caufeth fclfe- deniall in refpea a ofjudge- ment,wifedome,and power:forwe are blinde in chafing, foolifh in refolvingwhat is to be done ; *what is rie,htin our eyes is abomination before God. Nor is our wifdome todifpofe andmannage matters refolved on, ofgreater ripencffe andper feetion.Our ownecounfell oftleads us a, wry in things corporall,either we mifïe ofthe right man- ner, or Liferight meanesamiffe, either we leane upon de- ceitful) props, or take a good Halle by the wrongend. And ifwe be brought into difirefle, then howare wee plunged in our confultations, not knowing which way to turne our felvcs.As for powerto accompli(h any good worke, though never fo well conceived, though meanes never fopotent,fo ready at hand, fo well ordered :though the