duties (fourvocat'on. 397 the bufineffe be innever fo good forwardneffe,we have it not. Alas,poore impotent creatures, what can wedoc of our felves,whocannot keepeour breath for inc . moment? InGod wee live, and move,andhave our being : and bee that maintaines life mu(} perk& all our workes for us. In matter of profit no man can fay, my power, my labour, the might ofat,y hand bath gotten me this wealth. Nor in point ofhonour, By my policie I have budded mynet} on high,by the ílrengthof my arme I have gotten me the viétorie. This weaknefle i difcoveredby faith, which m everybufineffe workethfelfe-deniall,knowing the begin- ning, direction, and fucceffe ofall honef} labours to be of grace. Secondly, It teacheth fubmiffion to Gods direc4ion, and dependance upon his helps and affil}ance. It asketh counfell at the word, and followeth the determination of it. It chufeth what God approveth, though to humane wifdome it feeme bootlefleand improbable : it reject th what God condemneth, though to corrupt reafon it pro- mife profit and contentment. For true confidence is obe- dientiall, fùbjefting it felfe to thewill ofGod as the rule ofholineffe,acknowledginghis foveraigntie, fubfcribing to his wifdome as molt abfolute, and to his waycs as moil true, jut}, and merciful(. And as it confulteth withGod, fo it putted-) overall bufineffe intohis hands, and in a manner out of our owne. For ittrufteth to bi,n for ahilit to theworke, provifìon ofthe meaner, thedifpoftion ofthem, 2nd good fucceffe to come by them. Yea, though all meanes fade, and all things feeme to make again(} the pr:o.ceedirgs,faithrelieth upon God, who is everlalling, unchangeable, the fame for ever.The eye of faith is ever towards the Lord, * that hemay inf}rua and guide in theway ; that he would be with us to enable in the worke we take in hand, And for the meanes, it looketh tohave fuch minil}r.d which may advance our jul} eefignes,and el}eemeth themmot} preci- ous, which hce {hall put into our hands. To provide meanes Dcut.8, 1 7, t 8 PCat.44 3 2. Ju,iges. r.e.&. zo.18.t3,zg, ECay,8.zo. Dlatth.6,2 5, & o, p. x- tll21.3 z 8, Ezr2.5.5. Iux4gPs,Éi. a J îsx æd.4.11.