Ball - BT770 B3 1637

39 8 What it is to live by Faith in the Theprops of thisfaith. a. a. Matth, r 0.29. Pro. zo.zg. PfaI.37.2,3, Prov.r6.3. Pfa1.37.g. AEIs. t z 3. meanes is the workeofGod : it onely belongs tous, to ufe them which he 'hall grant in mercy. And feeing we havenot this wifedomeand abilityofour fe'ves, faith cx- pefteth both from the hand of God, feil, to prepare meaner, andmake us wife to take the opportunitie. Theprops of this faithare thefe two. Firtt, The.exat infinite wifdomeofGod, whoknow- ahwhat meanest will be fit to bee ufednow, and whit not, bothfor his glory, and the ellablifhing of the thing in hand : who knoweth what mayhinder, and can either prevent or frulrate it : andwho can knit fecondarie can- tes one into another, and make them confpire together in an admirable harmonie, which wee our fives cannot doe. Secondly,Gods providcnce,which rules inevery ti-ing which falls out, even the leali matters. Not a Sparrow falls to the ground but by his will. cMatesgoixgs are of she Lord. Hee difpofeth of every thing thatconcernes us and our affaires. The worke that we take in hand is not our owne, but the Lords : and the fuccefle ofthe bull- nefï'edothdepend uponhis plcafure, to whom it mutt be committed. Let the Lord doe what feemeth him good. And he gives ifíue, not according to the feeming abilities ofthe perlons, or likelihood ofthe meanes ufed, but ac- cording to the good pleafure ofhis owne will. Thirdly, Faith thus underproppcd bringeth forth in- duirie, and indeavour to obierve God in his providence. Hee that is moli confident to fpeed, is molt vigilant to take all opportunities, moll diligent to labour in the ufeof all lawfull meanes. 'For God, who worketh for us, will haveus worke withhim. Faith layeth hold upon the pro- miles ofaide and provifion withone hand, worketh with the other, Nothing can fomuch encourage, quicken,con- firme inpaines- taking, as faith. The perfwafions offaith arc molt powerfuI], the motives lirong, the incourage- ments effeduall to put life and vigour into the dull and fiuggifh. Hee that believeth willlabour, and not make balie.