duties ofossrvoc4t1àn.' 399 haRe. Hee that difiruPteth not his pay-mailer is not ha- (lie to get the pay into his ownhand : becaufe he knowes whom he bath trotted. Fourthly, Faithcannot befilent, as bath beene former- ly obfervcd. Hee that believethwill pray. The weaker he is inhimfelFe, the more difficult his taske,the more fer- -vent his fupplications. O Lord,, there is no firength in tes, to fandagainft this great people, that comrncthagainfi its, neither doe wee knowwhat to doe : but our eyes are to- wards thee, And ifthe worke Ricke fall, andRirrenot at the firtf,it pulleth the harder : difficulties incite to earneR prayer. In the morning will Idirefl meunto thee, andwill laobe out. Fiftly, It putteth life and hardineffe into us. If the workebe great, and our (lrength finali, faith biddethus bee flrong and play the men:for God will be with us for our fupport. Zebulen and 7(aphtali wereapeople that jeoparded their lives unto the death, in the high places of the field. In the molt eatieworke faith will not fuffer to leave upon our owneRrength : in greatell difficulties it wil not defpaireofthe Lords aide. This is theRayoffaith; He will not leavethee;nor forfake thee.Every thing is too hard for us, ifwe relieupon our felves : nothing too hard if we truR in the Lord, and goo forth in the power of his might. Sixtly, It waiteth upon Gael for good fuccefl'e, and triumpheth before the viE ory. Commit thy wayes unto the Lord, and thy thoughts Jhall bee diretle.d. Faith loo- keth to theprornife, and concludeth affuredly. The word of the Lord fhalhnever faile : The-, maleofthe -Lord of boils will bring it topaf e. Seventhly,Faith is ready and forward topraifeGod for good fuccefle, as it is willingand defirous toobey. For it abafeth it felt , loketh more and more into Gods admi- rable kindnefle,ánd is afhamed of uuthankfttlnef e. David protnifeth to praife God three.tmes, nay,fetien times in a day : that he would doe it openly in the Congregation, and Chro,20,&t. CCal.S 2,3. 5 Iudges. f is. Iofhua.i,x,9 6. Pro.10.3, 7.