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400 1'61.103.1,u Jud. 5.9,10,11 Hon, to live by Faithin theufeof andprivatelyby himfelfe : and yet, as thoughhe had for- got himfelfe,and beenemuch behind others in this dutv,he quickeneth up himfelfe unto it : Ble ffe the Lord, O my foule, an l all that i withinmee, bleje his holy ame. The mediationof Gods name is fweet, the remembrance of his kindneffe is pleafant: the faithfully ca not fatisfie them... felves in finging his prayfes. Hence it is that theyflirre up themfelves and provoke others to magnifie the Lord. My heart is towards theGovernours ofIfrael, that opred them- [elves willinglyamong thepeople,731e4eyee the Lord. Speal¿e yee that ride on white e./ffes, yee thatfit in Iudgement, and wake by theway. They that are delivered, frosts the noyf of the e4rciers in the places ofdrawiná water; therej%all they rehearfe therighteous albsoftheLord,even the rìhteous atls towardsthe inhabitants, ofhisvillages in Ifrael. There bevows) promifès of Gods bleffiog bis ordinances to hispeoples good. Efay 5 5.1,t,á. His word. Pfal.19,7,8. CHAP. XL How to live by Faith in the safe of Gods Ordi- nances, theWordand Sacra- ments. N Scripture we reade many promifesmade to fach as I (hall confcionably he:,rken unto the Word, and receive the holy Sacraments, the feaves of the covenant ofgrace ; that God will blefle his oweOrdinances to their edifica- tìon,comfort,flrengthening ir, grace and everlafling falva. tion. Ho,every one that therffeth,comeyee to thewaters,and be that bathno money : Comeyee,buy andeate,yea coaee,6ity wine andmilke without money,andwithoutprice : Wherefore doyee (fiendmoney for that which is not bread? andyour la- bourfor that whichfatisfieth not ? Hearken diligentlyunto me,andeateyee that which isgaol, and letparfouledelight it felfe infatneffe. Encline yourcare, and come untomee ; heare,andyonr foule/hadlive.The lawoftheLord isperfel, con-