Gods ordinances, the WordandSacraments. 401 converting thefoule : the teftimonyoftheLord is fare, ma- king wife thefzmple.Theftatsites ofthe Lordare right rejoi- cing the heart: the Commandements of the Lord arepure,in- lightning the eyes. Ar9ifeman willheare &will increafe fear- P1o.r.1. ning:c a man ofnnderftanding Jhall attaine untowife coun- fels. Takefall holdofin/lruaion, let her notgoe ; keepe her, Pro 4,13. for 'he is thy life Lillyforane, heare thy fathers commande- ment, andforfake not the lawofthy mother; Bindethem con- tinually upon thy heart, and tye themabout thy necke. When thougoeft, it ¡hall leade thee-; when thoufleepeft, it (hall keepe Plo`6 20,2 1, thee, andwhen thou wakift it/hall take with thee. For the zz z3. Commandement is a lampe, and the Law is light : andre- proefes ofinftrseëlionare the way of life. Santtfie them John 17.17 through thy truth : thy word is truth. Doe not my words doe good to him that walketh uprightly ? As new borne babes Mich. 2.7. defire thefincere milke of the Word , that yee may grow Pet. : °_ thereby. This is confirmed * by the comparifons , which & y 9.z. Ma.tth.4.1 ç. are ufed to fet forth the ufe andprofit of the word ; as it Deut 32. z. is refembled to the light; raine, dew, livingwater, wine Zach.14.8. and milke : a By the tides which are given unto it; as Ezek.47 9. it is called the word of this life , the word of this falvati- `ant° a. sa on : and by thepairages ofScripture, which tellife, that aAds 5.zó the word is able to fave our foules. Andnow Trethrer, I Aâs 13.26. commendyats to God,and to the wordofhisgrace,wbich is able to buildyouup,audtogiveyou an inheritance among all them Afts zo, 3 z. which are fanblifted. For after that in the wifdome of God, 1 Cora .z I. the worldby wifdome knew not god, it pleated god by the foolifhneffe ofpreaching to fave them that believe.. Take ITim.4..16. heedunto thyfelfe ; and unto the dotlrine : continue in them : for in doing this thou ,¡halt both fave thy felfe, and them that heare thee. wherefore lay apart all filthi- James 1.'z1. neffe, andfuperflssity of nauehtinefc, and receive with meekenefe the ingrafted wort, which is able to faveyour fouler. This alfo is manna of the Sacraments, which be truly Lindsacra- called a viableword,becaufe that which is fpoken in the mento. word tothe care,is inviable fignes reprefented toour eyes D d and