4oz Rom.4. 1 I. 1 Pet.3.z1, AEts zz.16. Coï.z.tz, Rona.6. 3. Mat.26. z6, a8. Pro.8.34,35 How to live by Faith t`se the of and fealed to our hearts , that we may be the more affured ofthem tobe ours : And were purpofely ordai- ned of God to helpe our weake faith, that having his word andPeale, we might be put out of doubt, that we (hall as certainly be made partakers ofChrifl himfelfe, and all his benefits, as we are of the outward fignes of his covenant. What the Apoltle faith of Circumcifion, that is true of Sacraments ingenerali, They are feaees of the righteonfnefieoffaith or of the covenant of grace. And for thebetter aflùrance of the believer ,. that recei- ving the outward ligne as he ought , hee fhall'bepartaker ofthe thing fignified, very of that which properly be- longs to the thing foaled, is given to the outward figne; as that Baptifinefaveth ; that ourfanner are loathed away in Baptifine ; and that we are buriedwith Chrifl by Baptifine : And the like ofthe Lords Supper, when our Lord Jefus did ordaineit, he fpeakingof the Bread laid,, This is my Body , and of the Wine , This rt my Bloudofthe IV.sw Tefiament. Thefe promifesare firmegrounds,whereupon the faith- full foule may build this affiance, that by the fincere and confcionable ufe ofGods holy Ordinances, the Word and Sacraments, he fhall be made wile unto falvation, confir- med in faith , flrengthened ingrace , refrefhed with joy and comfort,and perfeEed unto everlaflingha pine .And the ferious meditation, and remembrance of thefe things, is exceeding profitable to quicken and encourage unto chearefull and conilant attendance uponGod in his ordi- nances,that fo wemay indue feafon reape the Tweet fruit thereof. Bleedis the man that hearethme watchingdaily at mygates, waitingdaily at thepollsofmy doores. Forwho faflndethme,findeth 1ife;andfha11obtainfavottr of theLord. DidChrifliansoft andearnilly breath.themfclves in me- ditationon thofe great things, that God offereth in the Gofpell; andhis truth and faithfulneffe to make good whatfoeverhe bath fpokcn : Did they fet before them, both themercyofGod in ordaining theSacraments for the flrenghee